Family Time

548 19 3

Jaebum and Jinyoung woke up the next morning and packed.

"Are we staying overnight?" Jinyoung asked.

Jaebum nodded. "I don't have to do anything so we're good to stay the night," he said smiling.

Jinyoung nodded and smiled, finishing packing.

"I'll go wake up the kids," Jinyoung said and walked out of their bedroom.

Jinyoung walked to their eldest child's room, going over to his bed.

"Jaeyoung-ah," Jinyoung said, shaking his oldest son awake.

He heard Jaeyoung whining at being woken up.

Jinyoung smiled.

Just like his husband.

"Jaeyoung-ah, wake up, we're going somewhere really special," Jinyoung said, trying to get his son up.

Jaeyoung instantly got up.

"Outside home?" Jaeyoung asked, eyes twinkling in happiness.

Jinyoung nodded, making his oldest son smile happily and get out of bed and started getting ready.

Jinyoung felt upset. His children couldn't have a normal life because his husband and him were idols.

He got up to wake up Hyunjin next.

"Hyunjin-ah," Jinyoung said, shaking him awake.

He heard a whine again, another one like his father, Jinyoung smiled.

"Omma?" Hyunjin asked, rubbing his eyes.

Jinyoung smiled at his three-year-old. He was adorable.

"Come on, get up, we're going somewhere," Jinyoung said.

Hyunjin nodded and slowly got up and started getting ready.

Jinyoung watched over his son and helped him with things that he needed help with.

"Let's pack some clothes okay?" Jinyoung said and Hyunjin nodded, picking clothes that he wanted to take.

Jinyoung smiled and kissed the top of his sons head. "You're so smart," Jinyoung said.

Hyunjin smiled, showing his eye smile, and giggling.

"Go to your hyung and make sure the both of you have everything okay?" Jinyoung told him and Hyunjin nodded.

The both of them walked out and Jinyoung went to his twins room.

Jinyoung saw his two youngest children sleeping and snuggled with each other.

His twin children always stick to each other.

Well, they are twins after all.

Jinyoung sighed before changing them and their clothes.

He didn't want to wake them up, they looked too comfortable.

Jinyoung then packed the twins' things and took it over to the living room, seeing his two other sons watching a cartoon on the TV.

Jinyoung kissed the top of his children's head before walking back to the twins room to get them.

Jinyoung was about to pick them up before Jaebum appeared and took the twins.

Jinyoung blinked and stared at his husband.

"You can't be carrying heavy things," Jaebum whispered.

Jinyoung glared. "I still carried things while I was pregnant with them, Hyunjin, and Jaeyoung AND I preformed songs and they came out fine and I did as well," Jinyoung whispered back.

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