Alone, But Not

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Edit: I didn't realize that I messed up a part so I fixed it. Thank you to the person who told me! ^^

After their vacation, the days went by fast.

Jaebum going to music shows with Yugyeom to perform their song, shows, and fan meetings.

Don't get him wrong, he loves his job, but after every schedule is a day closer to leaving his Jinyoungie.

He doesn't like that he has to leave his wife and their children to go to other countries for showcases.

Especially since Jinyoung is pregnant.

Speaking of his wife, he's four months, about to be five months, pregnant with their son now. Jaebum wondered what they should name him.

He sighed as he leaned back against the seat of the van. He might as well just take a small nap.

Jinyoung held in his tears as followed Jaebum towards the front of their home.

Jaebum heard a sniff behind him and turned to see his wife trying not to cry.

He smiled softly. "It's okay Nyoungie, I'll be back before you know it," he said.

Jinyoung nodded, not trusting his voice at the moment.

Jaebum smiled and lifted his hand to Jinyoungs cheek, rubbing his thumb and leaning down to kiss him.

A few tears left Jinyoungs eyes and he broke the kiss to whip them away. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath.

"Kids! Come say bye to your appa!" He said, trying not to make a voice crack and tears fall out of his eyes.

Footsteps were heard a few seconds later and within a minute, all their children were gathered.

Jaebum smiled and went onto his knees. "Appa is leaving, be nice to your omma okay?" Jaebum told them.

The children all nodded. "We'll miss you appa!" Gwangjae said. "Very much!" Jaehwa added.

The two oldest, they both had seen their appa leave for the second time for a long period of time.

Jaeyoung looked sad and Jaebum wished there was something he could do to not make him sad that he was leaving. "Come here," he said and the five year old ran up to him and hugged him.

"I'll miss you appa," he said. Jaebum heard his oldest sons voice break a bit and it made his heart ache. "I'll miss you too," he replied.

Jaebum will miss all his children so much, as well as his wife.

Hyunjin was smiling, one of the happy children, he wished his appa well on his flight and showcases.

Jaebum smiled and told him thank you.

Lastly, he stood back up and Jaeyoung told his siblings to do what they were doing before to leave his parents alone.

The parents looked each other in the eyes, silent conversations passing between the both of them.

Jinyoung broke eye contact by looking down, biting his lip to contain the tears he was trying not to let out.

Jaebum went up to him and hugged him, wrapping his arms around Jinyoungs waist while Jinyoung wrapped his arms around Jaebum's neck.

They both stayed like that, remembering how it felt to be embraced by each other before they had to be separated for a while.

"Go, you'll be late," Jinyoung said sniffing.

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