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(A/N: this chapter includes NCT ships, if you don't like them then feel free to skip. Enjoy!)

A boy sat in the living room, aimlessly flipping through channels to see what he could watch.

He then heard soft footsteps and looked up to see one of his members.

"Donghyuck-ah, what are you doing up baby?" The boy said, wondering why the youngest member of their group was doing up at that hour.

"I felt thirsty so I got up to get water," Donghyuck explained, going into the kitchen and drinking a glass of water, washing it after he finished and went back to where the elder was at.

"Can I ask you something?" The youngest asked.

The boy nodded, signaling the younger over.

Donghyuck smiled and went to cuddle with the elder.

His smile instantly dropped. "Taeyongie omma, will you miss your boyfriend when you leave?" He asked.

Taeyong turned to look at the younger. "Of course I will," the leader said. "Why do you ask honey?" He asked.

The younger looked down. "He hasn't left yet and I already miss him," he said. "I know that he's in a lot of units and everything and I'm even worried for him but I'll miss him. I don't know how I'll function," he said, sighing sadly.

Taeyong smiled. "It's normal to feel that way," he said. "When you got injured he couldn't function without you because you two were never separated ever since you two knew you two are soulmates. More when you two started dating," he explained.

Donghyuck smiled, remembering when his soulmate/boyfriend and him couldn't function properly because they were never separated, they even debuted in the same group.

"Thank you omma," the younger said, getting up and going to his own room he shares with his boyfriend.

Taeyong sighed and continued flipping through channels and he heard footsteps again. "Didn't you just go back to bed?" Taeyong asked, ready to scold the child.

"I don't know who you were talking to before but why don't you go back to bed?" A voice asked.

Taeyong turned around, seeing his own soulmate/boyfriend and pouted. "Jaehyunnie!" He whined.

Jaehyun shook his head. "Come on, or I'll carry you," he said and before Taeyong could reply, Jaehyun picked him up.

Taeyong gasped. "Jung Yoonoh! Put me down!" He said, pouting.

Jaehyun laughed and shook his head. "Just because you said my full name, doesn't mean that I'll do what you say, even if you're older than me," he said.

Taeyong stopped resisting and just looked at his boyfriend and pouted.

Jaehyun shook his head, leaning down to kiss the elders lips. "Stop pouting," he said after he pulled away and walking into their room, closing the door and putting Taeyong into their bed.

Taeyongs face turned red, a small smile on his face.

"Now go to sleep please," Jaehyun said and got into bed.

Taeyong snuggled up into his boyfriend and smiled when he felt his arms go around his waist.

"I love you Taeyongie," he heard Jaehyun say.

"I love you too Jaehyunnie," he replied and the both of them drifted off the sleep.


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