Revenge is sweet.
Oh boy it is.
Watching that girl squirm in her seat knowing a foul smell was being emitted from her bag, making everyone laugh loudly- was the best moment of my life.
Well, with the exception of Isaac (maybe) asking me to prom this year. You know what, after the incident, there's no way Isaac could NOT ask me. OML, Sarah Kim is SUCH a good actress. I should totally ask her to join the squad sometime. But yeah.
So if you don't know, what happened was that Sarah put a stink bomb in Alisha's bag pocket which was set off during class. It made Alisha look like a TOTAL freaky idiot, which, she is.
"Brianna Lockwood." I turned around to see- what's her name again- oh yes, Amber.
"What?" I sneered, a smile playing on my lips as Amber began, "I know what you did to Alisha today. It wasn't right, bullying her like that. Honestly, you should apologise," she said meekly. Honest to God, she had NO RIGHT to say that to me. But of course, I needed to be nice.
"Oh yeah, well if you talk to Abby she'll tell you that it wasn't me. It was Sarah, Sarah Kim." I hastily defended myself. Thank God I had hired Sarah to plant the stink bomb.
"No, I'm Sarah's BFF, and she's been telling me that YOU- pressured her to sabotage Alisha. Together with Abby." Damn, this girl was good. "No, it wasn't! Just ask Abby!" TBH, Abby wasn't good at lying or this kinda thing in general so I was hoping she would cover for me.
"No, no need." Amber pressed her button on her phone, and I heard my own voice.
"No, not sabotage. Think of it as- helping the school."
Ugh. This Amber suddenly shows up and defeats me? I've had enough.
So I put on my best saccharine smile and ask her politely, "Amber, in exchange for you withholding that information, how would you like to go to Starbucks?"
Project Flareadon
FanfictionAcross the world from the Lost Cities, Alisha is an elf who has been stranded in the Forbidden Cities- with no way to get out. Will she be able to change her mindset- and most importantly, her lifestyle- to ensure that she can survive? -- all charac...