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shes so frigging beautiful I cant stop taking my eyes off her I swear to god. shes perfecter than anyone ive known before, even (yeah even) bri. 

its prom season. I think I should ask her to go to prom with her. I know I saw her having that smelly stuff but I think its probably bris work. bri is a bitch that way. so ill just ask her to prom and if she says no then okay I guess?

but before that, I see bri walking up to me, gesturing at the big "Hetherington High Prom" poster. she puts on some flattering smile, I guess shes tryna catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. well this fly can't smell.

but anyway she says, wanna go to prom with me, Isaac? being me, I say...


im already going with someone else.

oh, who's it? bri asks sweetly. its so obvious she knows its alisha duh. but she just wants to aggravate me so I say, myob. she glares at me and says ok, fine, its your choice, and sashays away with her minions.

so I walk up to alisha and ask, alisha, will you go to prom with me?

she says 'youre not on my match lists are you'

hm what are match lists? shes a weird girl.

but what she says next makes my face crumple


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