Chapter 2

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Sooo, the guys' lives will be different, obviously.
I hope you like this chapter!
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..."Oh... Wow. That's a long time." He said as he looked down, he seemed sad.
We stood silent for a moment for a moment; I started talking.
"Anyway, will you go outside, or...?"
"Yeah, will you?"
"Pwweaseee?" he said as he did puppy eyes.
"But...-" He did bigger puppy eyes and pulled out his bottom lip a little bit.
Oh Dear Lord, imagine that...
I rolled my eyes and smiled while he pulled me by my other arm.
When we got outside, he took me to the basketball court and called Michael and Luke. They ran where we were and when they got here Michael said, "What's up, Cal? Oh hey, you!"
I waved and smiled him.
"Come sit with us!" Calum said.
Then, Michael called Luke and asked him to sit with us; Luke nodded.
"Jessica, you should hang out with us after school!" Michael said.
"You talk too much, girl." Calum said, joking.
I rolled my eyes and smiled. Yes, again. "I sure do, and yeah, I'd love to!"
After school, I followed them outside.
"So, where are we going?" I asked.
"Maybe we can go to my house..." Calum said.
"Or mine, we're having pizza for dinner!" Luke joined.
Michael looked at Luke so quick with eyes wide open. "Luke's house. Let's go." He started walking really fast to the parking lot.
"Okay then... It's a pain that I have Watch Dogs at my house..." Calum said, grinning.
Michael stopped and turned around and said, "f*ck."
"Yup." He said.
I giggled a little bit, "so... where? Pizza or videogames? Decide fast." I said.
"Jessica, why are you doing this to me? This is a hard decision!" he looked at me like he was frustrated.
"Whoa there! Calm down! Um... Calum, PlayStation or Xbox?" I asked.
"Luke do you have any consoles?"
"Yeah, same as his."
"Why don't we go and get the video game and then we go to Luke's house and have some pizza?"
"We have a smart friend here, guys." Luke said.
"I'm so stupid... Oh my dear Lord, I love you Jessica!" He said as he threw himself at my arms and hugged me.
"Yeah... yeah... Thank you... I love me too!" I said joking. Calum and Luke laughed. Michael let me off and ran around, crossed the street, moved his arms like crazy and came back, "yeah, you're crazy." I affirmed.
The fact that Luke said that I'm a "friend", no wait, a "smart friend", it's a "sign" that I can now start talking to him and his friends. Talking it's something I never do, not even my family. I've never imagined this moment; I never thought I could have friends like them, I've always kept thoughts to myself.
We played video games, then ate the pizza and watched a movie, it was like a mystery one so I fell asleep.
I was conscious now but eyes still closed; I felt someone staring at me so I opened my eyes and saw Luke.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Oh... Uhh... No... It's nothing, I just wanted to wake you up." He said mumbling.
"Where are the guys?"
"Oh, umm... They left half an hour ago, it's late."
I opened my eyes wide, "what!? What time is it?" I exclaimed.
"Sh*t, I need to leave!" I stood up and grabbed my backpack and my jacket really quick.
"I can take you to your house, if you want."
"Would you?"
"Sure! Why not?" He grinned.
I stepped into his car and he drove off the driveway. His phone rang, "Hey Ash, what's up?" He said and kept talking, "tomorrow...? Can I go with someone...? Nice! See you then!" He said and hung up, "Jess, do you want to go to our band's practice tomorrow?" He asked me.
"What!? A band?" I said and he nodded, "Sure! Where?" I asked.
"My friend's house; I can take you home later if you want."
"I'd love to! Thanks for inviting me."
"No problem." He grinned at me and I smiled back.
"This is my house, thanks for the ride. I appreciate it."
"Whenever you want. Oh and... here's my number."
"Nice! Thanks. I'll text you later!"
"Cool! See you tomorrow!" He said and drove off my house.
Holy. Jesus. Christ. HE GAVE ME HIS NUMBER! I could just feel my heart go out, my intestines move every...-, never mind, that's gross. When he was far from my house, I jumped everywhere on my front yard; I almost tripped. I was enjoying a life moment that has never happened when...
"JESSICA ANDREWS, INSIDE, NOW!" My mother ordered. I let out a big sigh and went inside. "Where were you young lady!? I been waiting."
"Oh, now you notice my existence." I mumbled in a low tone.
"What did you say!?"
"NOTHING, mother." I rolled my eyes.
"Go to your room."
I stood up and ran upstairs. I locked myself in my room, where no one would ever bother me. My family thinks love is "giving material things." They think they're showing me their love, by giving me things, even though I don't need them or want them. The love I want from them is not materialistic, it's realistic; an unconditional love, an incomparable love.
You can enter my room, and you'll see everything you could ever want, not bragging, but these are things I've never wanted and if I give them away they'll hate me more than they already do because it's like "giving away the love they give me."
I washed my face, brushed my teeth, put some Forever21, heart pajamas on and went to sleep.
I'm really sorry for short update, I feel so so bad. I'll update soon!
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November 9

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