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Pinkie's Group Snapchat:

AJ: If someone asks, I don't know all of you girls

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AJ: If someone asks, I don't know all of you girls. Have a nice life.

AJ has left the chat.

Rainbow: I promised Pegasus Rainbow to help her get rid of a certain Lightning Dust! Sorry 🆒

Sunset: But you don't even know the other you...

Rainbow: No need to know her. I already know she's as awesome as me ;)

Sunset: What about Lightning Dust?

Rainbow: She's horrible in both worlds. GET IT?

Sunset: Got it, Dash, sorry 😂

Twilight: Can we please stop talking about that weird world?

Sunset: That "weird world" is my home, Twilight. Thank you very much 😑

Fluttershy: That was pretty rude, Twilight...

Rainbow: Hey, there's another Rainbow Dash and she's not weird!! She's AWESOME. Plus, she can fly all the time. Man, wish I was a pegasus too... Why is life so unfair?

Twilight: I'm sorry, Sunset. I didn't mean it in that way 😔

Sunset: It's okay, Twi ❤ Anyway, I don't mind having a new stunning dress...

Fluttershy: Same here, I just hope Discord will like it too 😊

Rainbow: 😏😏😏

Sunset: *cough* Soarin *cough* 🙄


Twilight: Good idea! Well, Rarity is always so generous and creative, so I can't wait to see what she has for us this time! ⚝

Rainbow: Like I said: helping other me getting rid of other worst freak ever. Have an awesome day, girls!!

Pinkie: Don't go, Dashie! It won't be super-duper cool without you!! 😭🎉

Rainbow: Sorry, Pinkie! See ya!

Rainbow has left the chat.

Sunset: I'm sure she's gonna go see a certain blue haired pie boy 🙄

Fluttershy: Maybe 😍

Twilight: ???

Sunset: Just a joke between Dash and us.

Twilight: Oh, okay... I guess I have to go too. I have homework. Bye.

Twilight has left the chat.

Pinkie: Something's wrong with Twilight... I'll have to figure this out with Maud and Cheese.

Fluttershy: Good luck then 💖

Sunset: Yeah... she's... strange. Anyway, bye, girls! Princess Twilight just answered my last message ❤ Pinkie, tell Rainbow to unblock Spitfire, her futur husband and AJ please.

Pinkie: Will do!! Bye, Sunshine!

Sunset: 😘😘❤❤

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