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Cheese's Story:

Cheese's Story:

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Pinkie: Oh, Cheese, you're almost as sweet as my cakes! 💞

Cheese: You make me so happy, sweetie, thanks for saying yes!

Pinkie: You didn't have to freak out like this! You know I love you too! Now, we're dating!! 🥳

Cheese: Right, baby, thanks for the pink cake by the way 💕

Pinkie: You're welcome, I hope Dashie and Flutters liked it too!


AJ: Good for you, sugar! Don't. Even. Try. To. Hurt. Pinkie. Buddy. 👀

Cheese: I won't, I love her!


Discord: Wow...

Cheese: I know, she's stunning! 🤩

Discord: Oh no, I was just thinking... You're crazy and she's crazy and now... you two are dating... Wow.

Cheese: Uh, thanks! I guess...


Rarity: Oh my! I'm delighted, darlings! I wish you the very best, and don't worry, I'm planning the wedding! Love is the most beautiful thing in the world! 🤩

Cheese: Thanks, Rarity! We're very happy and I can't wait to marry her!! ❤🍬

Rarity: Anything for you, my beautiful love birds! 💍


Fluttershy: Even if I already knew about you two, congratulations a second time 😊💕

Cheese: Thanks!! That's nice, very nice... unlike your boyfriend's comments...


Sunset: AWW, BABYYY ❤

Cheese: 🤡🤩🤠🥳

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