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Twilight's Story:

Twilight's Story:

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Cheese: Pinkie, my sunshine 🤩💍

Twilight: 🖤


Pinkie: Cheese, my love 🤩💍

Twilight: Aww 🥺


Fluttershy: I love them so much, Pinkie is happier with him! 💓

Twilight: I know, even though she was already the most positive person in the world! 🖤

Fluttershy: So, you're over Rainbow? 💓

Twilight: Not exactly... but I want her to be happy, even if I'm not the person she wants to be with! Don't worry, I'm fine! ^^

Fluttershy: Twi 💓💓💓


Timber: Hey, purplehead! 😉

Twilight: Hey, scared girl! 🙄💜

Timber: I was NOT scared!! Anyways... have a nice day 😉

Twilight: 🙄😂💜


Rarity: 😍😍😍

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