Chapter Seven

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I had a great time tonight, especially at dinner. I had to sign a few autographs along with the others though, wich surprised us. We didn't think we would be recognized here. We weren't that famous. But we were trying to be. And at the restraunt I got up and sang fucking perfect by P!NK for John. Ive just been thinking how great he is. He's such an amazing guy, and boyfriend and I wanted to make sure he knew that. He was perfect. So I told him, or rather sang it to him. It took him by surprise, but I could tell it made him feel good. When we drove back to the hotel, we only got one room, even though we could've gotten more, we didn't need to. We were kind of conservative, and none of us minded sharing a room so why waste more money? The rooms weren't expensive but hey you never know when you might suddenly have financial problems. Harry was on the couch, but he was too wasted to care, and there were two beds. Me and John shared one, while Kade and Veronica shared one. While I had a good time, I still felt odd, like I was being watched the whole night. I was probably just being paranoid, but it put me on edge. But once we were back in our hotel room, and I was in John's arms, I fell asleep quickly feeling extremely better.

When I woke up the next day, everyone but John was gone. I turned onto my side and smiled at his sleeping face. I reached over and brushed back some of his hair from his forehead. I kissed him on the cheek before getting up and starting the shower. When the water was warm enough, I got in and let the water run down my body. After some time had gone by, I got out and got dressed. My hair was in a braid down the side, and I was wearing my full heel boots, black skinny jeans, and a turquoise tank top, with a zipper that went the down the whole lapength of the shirt. When I exited the bathroom I was immediately scooped up into huge arms. I squealed while saying "John put me do-down!" "we have to gooooAH! John I'm serious now is not the ti-"I was cut off when he threw me on the bed." I laughed and right when he was leaning down to kiss me, I rolled over, so he just kissed the bed. I giggled and got up straightening my clothes and sat down while looking at notifications on my phone. I waited 20 minutes before John was ready to go. I smiled and linked my arm through his and we took the elevator. As soon as I crossed the threshold of the hotels entrance I felt like I was being watched again. I shivered and started walking quicker with John to the cafe where we were meant to meet Veronica, Kade, and Harry at. I tightened my grip on John and prayed, that it was all in my head.

After lunch, Kade and Vee (Veronica) wanted to spend the day alone together and John had an interview. It was some sort of tv show or something that wanted to have a live interview with our band, but first they specifically asked to speak with John. We thought it weird but we didnt question it. So that left me and Harry. Until he told me he had plans already with some guy friends of his. So here I am, alone, all by myself. I didnt mind though because i had something to work on, ive been looking forward to for awhile now. I recently bought my own place. It wasn't huge or anything, it just had a middle floor, and a small upstairs. I had been excited about furnishing it, especially the game room. I had also gotten an X-box and the games we all liked. Finally we would all have a place to go wild without consequence. Well Harry, doesnt have his own place, he just crashes with John at his very small aprtment wich might I add is game-room-less. I didnt tell anyone about buying my own place till the last second before i bought it when i told them i had been saving up. Kade had a small apartment as well, and Veronica just stayed with a friend of hers. And sometimes we all just rotated.

I already had the living room kinda set up. It had the flat screen tv, the Xbox, a nice cabinet and some bean bags (I ordered the couches) and some funky lava thing. The kitchen was completely done though. I didnt need to buy much except for a center piece, silver wear, cups, bowls, plates and that's it. And I had my studio. That was pretty much done too because I already had all my equipment. I just bought a desk with a built in bookshelf to put my laptop and CDs on. And then the rest of my equipment was in there like my guitars and my coolest microphones even though we hardly ever had to use our own. And I was still working on my bedroom. It had black walls and a sheet less bed, and I would be working on that today. I had posters all around the room, a dresser, my closet, and some other things. I also had a small loft in my room I liked to use to draw. It had a small window that let in just the perfect amount of light. I loved to draw up there when the moon was up, and moonlight was streaming through the window. I haven't used it much since I just moved in, but I was looking forward to it. And the guest room was almost finished. I just needed curtains, sheets, and some pillows.....and hangers.

I was already at my house because that's where John dropped me off right after lunch. I was alone now, and I can't say I was sorry. It felt nice to have some thinking time. I walked into my garage and saw my car, and my motorcycle. I only used the motorcycle when I was in a hurry. I mostly just used my black convertible. Now it cost a LOT but I loved it. I opened the garages' door and got into my car with the top down, putting on my sunglasses. I pulled out of the drive and turned my music on high. I started moving to the beat and singing the songs I knew on the way to the house furnishing store. I STILL felt like I was being watched, but I brushed it off as paranoia.

When I got back home, I was rather please with my purchases. I got brown and gold for the guest bedroom, and black and turquoise silk for my room. Along with a few other things I found that I liked. For example, I got a tall black mirror, and a skinny chair. I loved those. I also ordered some things online like couches and some dog supplies because I was going to adopt a dog. When I was out shopping I went into this huge music store and found this magnificent piano. It was black with gold carvings of swirls on the sides but not the top. It was beautiful, unfortunately I couldn't afford it. But it was on my next thing to save up for list. After I put everything in its rightful place, I went downstairs and plopped down on a beanbag and started playing Call Of Duty Black Ops. I put the headphones on so I could talk with other players. Pulling up my online friends, I was happy to see my good friend J.D. was online. I invited him to join my party and then started talking to him through the headphones. "Heyyyy J.D. What's up?" "Oh Chok how's the new digs coming along?" Chok was his nickname for me, in fact it was everyone's nickname for me. Something I did one day got me the nickname, but I can't remember for the life of me what it was! And they say I have to figure it out."Great thanks for asking!" I said killing some guy and hearing him curse over the line. I wasn't super good, but I had my moments. We continued talking for about ten minutes before I told him I had to go and we said our goodbyes. I looked at the time and got my car Keyes. I had to pick up the cake that I ordered earlier that day. I ordered it for all of us for no reason at all because thats just what awesome people do.

When I put the cake in the front seat of my car, I was about to get in myself when a little ways down in an alleyway I thought I saw something long and silvery just pass into the alleys entrance. Curious, I closed my car door and locked it before making my way over to the alley. "Curiosity killed the cat," I thought. But I continued slowly anyway. I slowly peeked into the darkness stopping at the entrance. It was still lightish outside, but the roofs of the neighboring buildings were overlapping causing it to be dark. The street was almost completely empty, and all the stores were closing. I cautiously walked into the alley, my feet crunching on broken glass. I slowly stopped and did a small twirl trying to find what it was I saw. Giving up, I turned to go back when I felt something brush my leg. I squeaked jumping and looked down. It was a silver husky with an injured paw. I immediately felt bad and knelt down running my hands through its dirty fur. I knew it was homeless, and I wasn't letting it stay here. I sensed it was a girl, and I whispered soothing words in her ear. It seemed to calm her down and I felt like she took a liking to me. I started ripping the fabric on my shirt and tied the strip around her paw. I started rubbing her head again in reassurance and got back up trying to get her to follow me wich wasn't that hard. I was coaxing the dog when all of a sudden an arm went around my waist and another around my mouth with something in its hand. I didnt know what it was at first, but then I started thinking about all the movies I'd seen and started struggling. I tried everything I learned in my self defense classes, but nothing worked! It was like fighting a million pound, frozen statue. I felt myself getting weak, and I tried screaming but nothing would come out. My legs started giving out and I slowly went down supported by strong arms. I noticed that my eyes were closed, but I didn't remember them closing. Somewhere in my mind, I registered the dog whimpering and growling at my attacker, obviously not liking seeing me like this. I heard soft words being whipered to me and someone brushing my hair but I couldn't hold on to those things in my mind before I started going under. The last thoughts that entered my mind were that my father had found me. I prayed that Kade was still safe and not located yet, and that my father would leave him alone. I was scared, but as long as Kade wasn't with me, I was ok with it for reasons of my own.


Okay so here's chapter seven!! I had to redo it because I didn't like the way I did it the first time but I'm MUCH happier with this one. So sorry about that. And no, the husky is not a werewolf, it's just a normal stray husky. So yep thanks for reading everyone hope you enjoy!!!! VOTE COMMENT AND FANNNN!!!! Thank you!!! :) :) :) :)

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