Chapter Eight

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I was sure there were bags under my eyes and I looked like crap, but I didn't care. All that mattered to me was her. My baby. I still couldn't believe it! I was so excited to make a life with her. I didn't live in the pack house, but I lived next door, so that's where we would be living. I waited for her to exit the hotel, and when she did I was again awestruck. But my mood immediately turned sour when I noticed she was arm in arm with that guy. I wanted to march over there and yell a bunch of curses at him, claim my baby, and take her home, but I pushed all that painfully to the back of my mind where I forced it to stay. I watched as they walked to the cafe across the street and once again my heart sank. I just wanted hold her already! It was literally tearing me apart. If I didn't get her soon, I would die. Not literally, but emotionally. It doesn't happen to all wolves but I'm sure it would happen to ME. I was going to wait for her to come back out, but I got a call from the beta and I had to leave temporarily to take care of some business but as soon as I was done I would be back.

It took me a long while, but I finally finished. I was eager to get back to stalking my mate. Wich sounds a lot worse than it is. If you were a werewolf you would understand! The pull is so strong! With her my life will be complete, and everything will be perfect! With a family of course. I went through a lot of trouble to find out where she lived but I eventually did. Once I pulled up beside her house, I was relieved to see she was still home. I waited awhile before her garage opened up, and I quickly pulled into one of the neighbors driveways just as the garage door was all the way up. I knew she recently moved in, and I doubted she had been here long enough to know her neighbors let alone what they drive so she wouldn't have noticed. I could tell she was on edge, and whenever she would glance in my direction I would duck. She never saw me, but I knew she felt me. I could feel her unease. I watched as she put her sunglasses on and got in her car with the roof down. And I must say, she looked extremely sexy. Her hair was down around her shoulders perfectly and slightly gathered on the breeze. She turned her music on high and started moving with the beat. I smiled thinking maybe one day she will do that with me in the car.

I followed her all the way to a cake store where she put her cake in the front seat. She was about to get in the driver side when something in an alley way caught her eye. I didn't see it, for I was only watching her, but I didn't want her to go. What if it was some dangerouse criminal or something? I waited as she made her way slowly over to the entrance I peeked in. I reluctantly got out of the car, and followed her silently. I watched as she did a small twirl, and then deciding there was nothing there, she turned and was about to leave when something went passed her legs. She jumped squeaking and looked down. My senses were immediately on alert and I was ready to stabilize the threat and protect my mate, but then I saw it was just a husky with an injured paw and immediately relaxed. I smiled when she knelt down and started whispering soothing words to the dog. She ripped the fabric on her shirt and tied the strip around the husky's foot. The dog seemed to take a liking to her, as she rubbed it's head. I liked that she was good with animals. After all, her soulmate was one. I continued to observe as she got up cooing to the dog trying to get it to follow her without difficulty. I smiled. She wasn't going to leave it there. She had a good heart. I could hold back anymore, and as she was coaxing the dog, I wet the cloth and held onto it as I lunged forward wrapping an arm around her waste and putting the cloth o her nose. She seemed stunned for a few seconds before she realized what was happening and started struggling. She tried everything to get free she did a lot of good self defense moves she probably learned in a class, but nothing would work on me. She most likely would've gotten away if I were human, but I was a werewolf and fighting me was hopeless. I liked that she could protect herself and beat a human guys ass. My girl was badass. She fought well but I just held the cloth in place. Eventually I felt her weaken and start to stop struggling. Her legs gave out and she leaned in my arms. Her eyes were closed, but she still looked amazing. Her eyelashes were wet and I noticed whe was barely crying. She probably didn't even notice. I cringed. I didn't want to scare her, but I had to have her, and this was the fastest and only way. I couldn't have approached her normally she had a.......boyfriend. The dog was growling and whining. I felt bad and let it rub it's head against her. I brushed her hair back and said some soothing words and as soon as my hand touched her skin an electric wave went through me. It felt so good and warm. I was sure that must be what heaven feels like. I gently lifted her in my arms and took her back to my car with the dog in tow. I didn't worry about people seeing me because there was nobody around. I opened the back door and gently placed her in the back kissing her temple. The dog looked at me with hopeful eyes. I only hesitated a second before scooting aside and gesturing for the dog to get in. It hopped up and laid on the floor resting its head on the seat touching my baby's hand. You would think werewolves didnt get along well with dogs but we did. We even had some of our own. We loved them just like anyone would. I knew my baby and the dog would both find comfort and solace in eachother. I closed the door and got in the drivers side before putting my keys in the ignition and starting the car. I drove onto the road and smiled. There weren't words for how happy I was right now. Even though she wasnt conscious, I could still feel her fear and panic. It broke my heart that she was scared, but I pushed those feelings away knowing that she would be happy with me. She would love me just as I do her. She will fit in perfect with my sister and my brothers mate and just the other girls in my pack in general. Everyone will love her! The parents, the kids, the teens, my friends, everyone! We will live together and start a family in our home next to the pack house and have and take in this dog and love eachother forever. Things would be amazing. Everything was picture perfect. I could see it all. I looked back thinking about the girl in my backseat. I was already hopelessly whipped but I didn't care. I knew my friends would tease me but it didn't matter. When they found their mates they would understand. I couldn't wait till she woke up. She was now mine for eternity.


So here's chapter eight!!!! Hope you like it! It's a little short but that's ok! :) :)! So far so good? Haha hop you like it thanks for reading so much!! All my readers are awesome and amazing so thank every single one that decide to give it a look it means a lot! Thank you! Haha and like the picture? i did it myself! my kit kats! aww! sorry.... hope you like it! VOTE COMMENT FANNNN!!!!!!! :) :) :) :)

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