Chapter Nine

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I slowly opened my eyes and groaned. My whole body ached, and I noticed John wasn't with me. "Weird," I thought. He always waited for me. I groggily pulled myself up and looked around. I was fully dressed but I was barefoot. What the fuck? I never go to sleep in my clothes. What did I drink? And just like that an onslaught of memories came rushing back so fast I actually doubled over in pain, both my hands clutching the sides of my head. I whimpered at the sharp pain in my skull. I waited for the pain to subside but it never did. My dad. My dad had found me. This was not good. I soon stopped worrying about myself and more about my brother. Did they find him? Was he alright? Did he know I was gone? All the questions raced through my brain, just making the pain worse. I heard a whimpering in the corner and squinted open my eyes. I saw the husky laying on the floor staring at me. I didn't want to get up, but I wanted to comfort her. I didn't know why she was here. Probably so they could mutilate her right in front of me. The thought brought tears to my eyes. I half fell, half rolled out of bed and crawled over to the dog. My muscles protested, but I didn't feel like caring. Once I reached her, I leaned my back against the wall and began stroking her head. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back trying to untangle my muddled thoughts. If Kade was okay, and they left him alone by settling for me, I didn't care that I was here. I mean ya I would really really prefer to NOT be here, but it was ok.

The biggest problem I had growing up was knowing I would never be able to fully live and experience life. But I have now. I've lived and loved and laughed and it was amazing. I knew I couldn't run from him forever. I knew he would eventually find me. He's a powerful man, it was only a matter of time. I sighed. I wish things could be different, but they weren't. This time things would be different. I would fight back. I knew this would eventually lead to my death, but he was going to find me anyway. We never went to the cops because it wouldn't make a difference. Except for make him angrier. Hell he could run his business from inside jail! Like I said he is very powerful and he has lots of friends. Any wouldn't hesitate to break our necks, but that's just not my fathers style. No he would like it better if we were tortured. So cops were always out of the question. I didn't care if I was beat or worse I would fight back. I would scream or cry or cower. I would stay sting and stand my ground. It will be all I have when I die. As long as Kade was and remained safe I was fine.

It felt like I had been waiting for days. Really it's just been probably about.......well I don't know how long I've been here considering I was asleep so I have no clue when i got here......but since I woke up I'd say about five hours? Its starting to darken outside just a bit so maybe more? I have no idea. I have been sitting here waiting for someone to come but no one would. The room I was in was nice though so I guess that's good. Bored, I got up and decided to take a look around. First I went to the big dresser against the far wall. I went through all the drawers and found a ripped paper, a photo, a marker, a thin chain, and a bunch of wrappers. I put all the stuff in a pile and moved on. There was nothing in the bathroom, to my disappointment. There wasn't anything in the nightstand drawers either. I took notice- real notice- of my surroundings for surprisingly the first time. There was a huge window with long red curtains, and the bed was rather large with golden and red and lots of other colors intricately sewn into the bedspread. The bathroom was all white marble, and the dresser was dark mahogany. Last I saw the beautiful black piano in the corner of the room. It wasn't dusty at all and had golden swirls carved into the sides but not the top. The same one I was looking at at the store. I wondered if it was just coincidence.

I wanted to play something on it, but I was just too uncomfortable. My dad had after all bought it himself. I hated him I didn't want to touch anything he bought with his dirty money. So I avoided the piano. I spread out the pile of things i found in front of me and started making something out of it. I colored the ripped paper completely black with the marker except for a skull I purposely left white. Then I left the markers lid off and tied one end of the chain around the tip and the other end around the lid so it just hung down. I put the colored paper in the hanging lid and tied all the wrappers (wich were starburst wrappers) onto the chain. I left the photo untouched. It was of a very pretty girl and a handsome man in a loving embrace with their heads turned towards the camera. They had giant grins on their faces. I thought they looked cute, but I didn't know why my dad would have this. Frowning I put it on the nightstand. I sighed and put my......creation down and fell back onto the bed. I gestured for the dog to come lay with me and she happily complied. The curtains were left open so the moonlight would flood across the bed. Wich made the room almost pitch black except for the light on me. I didn't know how to feel that no one came to see me. But I guess I will figure out tomorrow. And with that, I curled up into a ball and buried my face into the dogs fur. She really needed a name. I liked Esydra. It was pretty. But I will call her Siggy for short. And then I let my thoughts take their own path, as I slipped into my dreams.

My head was pounding again and I opened my eyes screaming. I sat up in bed as fast as I could drenched in sweat. Woah. I hadn't had one of those nightmares since I was being held by my dad. Well obviously they came back because once again, Im his prisoner. I sighed and rolled over too late realizing that I was on the edge of he bed. I gave a short squeal and landed on the floor with a thump. Groaning I threw my arms over the bed but didn't pull myself back up. I was too tired so instead I nestled my head in the warm blankets and tried to fall asleep again still tangled in the sheets and half draped over the bed. I was almost asleep when a wet dog nose poked my hand. I probably scared her. I cracked open one eye and ave her a funny look. She just looked back at me with her head tilted to one side. Not being able to resist her puppy dog eyes I pulled myself back up and settled deep into the bed. As soon as I was situated Siggy curled up into the curve of my body. I layer my head on hers and was asleep not long after.

Three days. It had been three days since I had woken up the first time and still no one came. I started to doubt anyone ever would but hey maybe it was better if they didn't. My stomach was constantly demanding food but I ignored its protests. If I had to starve myself to escape seeing my father again then I would. Not that they brought me food anyway. I was extremely bored. Not to mention I was also going partly mad wondering about my brother. If they weren't spending their time with me they could always be doing terrible things to him. Or they might just be too busy. I was bored, but glad they had left me alone. I wasn't sure I was ready to see Michael yet. Not yet. I was rolling around on the floor singing bad opera on purpose really loudly. Like I said I was extremely bored and was starting to lose my mind so no one can hold anything against me. I was on my stomach making an X with body singing in a low rough voice when the door burst open with a bang. My stomach dropped to the floor in fear, but I quickly composed myself. "Show no fear, show no fear, show no fear," I chanted to myself. Curious to see who had entered I looked up through my hair still laying on the ground next to Siggy who was on her back with her tongue lolling out. When I made eye contact with the person standing at the entrance I nearly gasped. It was the dark haired man from the concert with the amazing emerald eyes. His hair was so dark brown it was almost black and looked soft to the touch. I could stare into those eyes forever, but I broke eye contact and feigned nonchalance. "Finally!" I said getting off the floor and brushing myself off. "I saw you at the concert, but I never would've guessed you worked for Michael." I said "OH is my brother okay?!" I rushed over to him and grabbed his hands and as soon as I did I felt heat rush through me. Shocked I just let go, and let my arms fall to my sides with wide eyes. "Well is he?" I said finally speaking again. "You- your brother?" The stranger stuttered looking confused. "Yeah you know brown hair gold eyes" "Ohhh Michael didn't fill you in did he? We are the two kids that "crossed" him so keep your eyes peeled!" I said mockingly. By now the stranger looked really puzzled and looked really cute with his expression. "Ah so your new? Well. That explains a lot. But whatever I don't think I could handle it if you we're the one who you know....handled me or whatever you wanna call it. But your so young? Can't believe he's recruiting people your age now. You must have agreed to it for he money ya? Well if you haven't figured out by now what he does to the "help" then when you do, if you don't like it, there's no getting out. You're here now, now you can't leave. And do bother trying to reach the cops you'll be dead before you even pick up the phone. Pity too, you could've really made it." I said rambling on and on partly to myself while he just stared at me. "What the hell are you talking about?" I paled slightly as a thought occurred to me. What...what if my dad wasn't the one who kidnapped me? What if it was someone else entirely. As much as I hate to admit it, that freaked me out. A lot. It took me years to figure out how to play my dads game but I eventually got pretty good. But this is an entirely new game. New rules. I can't master them that quick. Now I couldn't figure out wich was worse. At least with my dad I knew the territory. But the game has changed. If I wasn't kidnapped by my dad that is. My dad and his men were rough, but with other guys they are rough in their own special way. I was freaking scared now, but I tried to hide it. I felt flushed and knew I was really white. I decided to stop babbling about my father until I knew for sure. I felt myself sway lightly on my feet and heard Siggy whimper. The man was looking at me with worried expression and took a step forward. I stayed frozen to the spot and quietly asked "Why am I here?" The man gave me a weak, warm smile and said "Because your my soulmate."

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