Chapter Ten

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All I had wanted to do for the past three days was see my mate. However rogues were acting up and I had some business to take care of. I didn't even have time to bring her food! She must be starving. I felt terrible. She was kidnapped and alone for three days with no idea what's going on, or why she was taken.

I quickly made my way to her room and threw open the door. She was laying on the floor in an x position singing bad opera on purpose because she was likely bored out of her mind. The dog was on its back with its tongue lolling out looking quite happy. My mate looked up through her hair and I felt her fear like a sharp wind but she tried to cover it up. I admire her for that. She was scared but she was putting on a brave face. When she made eye contact with me I could tell she felt something. That and she recognized me from the concert. She broke her gaze and got up. "Finally!" She said dusting herself off. I could tell she was nervous but she was trying to hide it. "I saw you at the concert, but I never would've guessed you work for Michael." So she did remember me, but who was Michael? "OH is my brother okay?" She said rushing over and grabbing my hands. As soon as her skin made contact with mine, heat rushed through my body, as I'm sure it did hers. She had a shocked expression and let her arms fall to her sides. "Well is he?" I was really confused. "You-your brother?" "Yeah you know brown hair gold eyes? Oh Michael didn't fill you in did he? We are the two kids that "crossed" him so keep your eyes peeled!" She said obviously mocking...Michael? I was completely lost. "Ah so your new? Well. That explains a lot. But whatever I don't hint I could handle it if you we're the on that handled me or whatever you wanna call it......but your so young? Can't believe he's recruiting people your age now. You must have agreed to it for the money ya? Well if you haven't figured out by now what he does to the "help" then when you do if you don't like it there sno getting out. Your here now, now you can't leave. And don't bother trying to reach the cops you'll be dead before you even pick up a phone. Pity too you could've really made it." She was kind of rambling now more to herself than me. What was she going on about? Who was Michael? He sounded like trouble. Finally having enough I said, "what the hell are you talking about?" I watched as she frowned and slowly paled. I quickly grew worried. She looked sick. She stayed like that for a minute and when she lightly swayed on her feet I took a step forward. The dog whimpered but my eyes never left my mate. "Why am I here?" She finally said. I tried to give a reassuring smile but I'm sure it looked halfhearted. "Your here because your my soulmate."

"Huh?" She said after a minute, her color returning. "I know this is going to be hard to believ, and its getting really late so I'm just going to explain it all tomorrow but the point is, your my soulmate and I'm sorry I kidnapped you but I just didn't want to risk losing you!" I said. "So you.....don't work for Michael?" "No whoever that is, but your eventually going to tell me." "And your.....not.....going to rape me or something?" She said slowly. "What? No! I would never hurt you!" I cried. She sighed heavily with a hand on her stomach. "Wheeew! That is a HUGE relief." She said swiping her hand across her forehead and falling tiredly into a chair. "Now I can relax. So my brother isn't here then?" "No he's not." I said. She looked a little sad after that, but relieved. "Good! I'm perfectly fine except for the fact that I was kidnapped by a loony! But I can work out hose facts later right now I'm exhaaaaauuuusssttteeeddd!" She said singing out he last word. She was so cute I could watch her all day. She got up and stretched across the bed and then curled up snuggling into the blankets like a cute little kitten. I still had a lot to tell her but right now we were both tired and I just wanted to hold her tonight. It was black outside and I took my jacket and draped it across a chair and turned off the lights. The curtains were open the way I knew she liked it, (because of the camera footage) and collapsed beside her on the bed. Startled she opened her eyes. "Whaaat are you doing?" "Sleeping you?" "Hmm cute but I'd rather be alone thanks" "Hmmmmm no. I'm not moving." She narrowed her eyes and I had to smile. She got up grumbling and took the bed sheet with her and put it down on the carpet. "Happy?" "Hm not really my smile but whatever you like," I said getting up and walking onwards her. She raised an eyebrow, "Really? Your just going to follow me?" "Yup!" I said cheerily. The dog looked back and forth at us looking confused. She sighed and made her way over to the bed and layed down curling up into the blankets. She was adorable. It was then I noticed she was only wearing her jeans and a black tank top. I smiled victoriously and got in the bed next to her. "Just stay on your side buddy I don't want any trouble." I smiled. Like she could take me. Silly mate.

Sometime in the middle of he night when I knew she was asleep I slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her tight against me. She was so warm. She stirred a bit before tuning around in her sleep and snuggling hr face in my chest. I felt like I could squeal like a little girl. This was the best feeling I had ever felt. Her arm went across my stomach, and here it stayed until I was fast asleep never wanting his moment to end.

I was so out of it when I woke up to the sound of my mates screams. Immediately I sat up looking for danger. I saw there was no one else in the room and that she was also sitting up covered n sweat and panting heavily. I figured she must've had a nightmare my poor baby. No one else would've heard her screams though, because while are hearing is extremely sensitive, we are also particularly deep sleepers. I quickly scooted closer to her and wrapped my arms around her saying comforting things to her. She relaxed and I settled her head onto my lap. I could feel her breathing returning to normal but I didn't stop stroking her hair. I ran my hands through it and I could feel her shaking. I kissed her head and it was then that I knew something terrible had happened to her, and I wouldn't stop until I found out what.

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