Capture Five

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I opened the door to my mother and fathers home. today we were having family dinner and i don't really mind because i do miss being with my family all the time I just can't wait to start one of my own

Meek Has a Son and A daughter and Leo has Twin boys i wish i was like them but my wife isn't ready yet which I understand it's her body so I'll wait on her but it would be nice

"Uncle Drew" my niece Nore yelled running to me she was the oldest of Meek children 12 years old then her brother Carson who is 6 , then it's Zach and Zaire who are Leo twins 2 years old i think

"hey baby girl" i kissed her forehead

I walked into the family room where all the kids were i hugged them all before walking to the kitchen.

"Hi ladies" i smiled They all screamed Jennifer ran over hugging me

"Look at you getting taller every time i see you"

I laughed as i walked over to my grandmother kissing her forehead then hugging my mommy

"Asia isn't here yet," i asked raising an eyebrow

"Yeah she's in the back with your dad and brothers" my mom smiled as she cut up her potatoes

I nodded as i walked outside where Chy, Meek, Leo, My Dad and my soon to be wife stood around the grill i walked over

"Ayeee little bro " meek yelled hugging me I laughed pushing him off "you're late like always"

"Man your one to talk," i said before kissing Chay cheek and giving my dad & brother dap

I pulled my wife to me "hey baby" she said kissing my lips

But my mind slowly wonder to Lee the girl I met i couldn't wait to see her again

I shook out of it kissing her back "Hey love how was work" I asked kissing her hand


As we all sat around the dinner table my family went on and on about business that's really all we ever talk about

"So I'll be moving a few people up next week if things go to plan" Leo said smiling

Making everyone clap and congrats but honestly I stop listening so long ago

"So Drew what's been going on with you" my dad asked sipping his water

I was shocked sitting up straight "umm... It's's been good I just got a new client" I smiled rubbing my neck

Chay smirked before taking another bite of her hamburger I sided eyed her looking back at my father

"Oh really I'm surprised anybody still comes to that dry place" Leo said making everyone laugh except Chay she simply rolled her eyes

I didn't find anything funny he always finds away to steal my shine it never fails it's been this way since we were kids he doesn't do it to meek because he knows meek can be better then him just doesn't care enough to try but me I'll do anything to be the best and use it !

"Yeah people do , worry about yourself" I spoke mugging him

He smirked sipping his wine like a bitch

"I mean it will soon be MY company so I'm worried about my business"

I bite my tongue because the venom I was gonna spit would hurt his little feelings

"I honestly don't care Leo"

"Baby calm down it was a joke" Asia whisper to me

I smacked my lip excusing myself from the table

I walked outside to the front porch I sighed as sat on the steps

"You good bro?"

Meek sat beside me playfully punching my arm

"Come on , you know how Leo can be" He said defending him like everybody else

"Yeah I know how he can be" I sighed

"Stop letting him get to you dats what he wants" He said patting my back

I nodded he was right I'm just giving him the negative energy Leo feeds off of I think that nigga loves to be evil

I stood up helping meek up I gave him dap before we walked back in

"And I was  like 'That's not a coffee mug that's my hand' "

Leo said making everybody laugh I side eyed meek and we both laughed

Everybody looked at us and we just continued to laugh our ass off he such a corny nigga

Next Day

I woke up to an empty bed nothing new I dragged myself out of bed I picked up the note Asia always leave on the dresser I balled it up putting it in the trash

I stripped stepping into the shower letting the hot water hit my face

After my morning routine i got dress for work I walked downstairs into the kitchen

I grabbed an apple and my suitcase off the table

I bite the apple leaving it in my mouth to look at my Rolex 9:41 okay I have 10mins to get to work

I grabbed my keys off the hooks on my way out the door locking the door
"Morning Drew" Chay said handing me a stack of papers "these are the files from the police department on Azalea"

I nodded throwing my half eaten apple in the trash

"Also ur brother is in ur office" Chay said sitting back in her desk

I rolled my eyes walking into my office where Leo was sitting in my chair with his feet kicked up on my desk

"So who is this Azalea chick" Leo asked looking up from the papers he had in his hands

"Can u get out" I said calmly trying not to get upset

"I'm just asking you have a lot of notes on her"

I walked up taking the papers out his hand pushing his feet down

"Get out now and I won't repeat myself again Leo"

He laughed

He stood up from my chair fixing his suit "is that anyway to talk to your new boss" he said

I mugged him he put his hands up in surrender

"Okay fine I'll leave you to work" he laughed again before walking out

I sighed i would fuck him up but I know that would land me back in jail and that the last thing i need right now

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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