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It had been a week since Adley had forced Tess off the cheer team. They didn't drive to school together anymore, but they still sat together, walked together. Danny had sat in between them, imploring Tess to forgive Addie, trying to tease out of her what they had fought about.

Tess had stalked out of the track after Addie had quit her and walked to the changing rooms her eyes streamed with tears. Her heart ached at the words that Addie had said, and she had replayed each biting comment in her head, letting it cut and slice through her skin. Anorexic. Breathe. Slut. Breathe. Self-centered. Breathe. All because what, Tess was skinny? Adley had yelled at her that she didn't understand her problems, and the guilt of that had seeped through Tess. Maybe she had been so absorbed in her own problems that she had failed to comfort her best friend, but how had  Addie been there for her? She knew nothing about Tess' family problems, about her anxiety and she had the dare to call Tess anorexic? Even as the word came to Tess' mind, she had run to the school toilets and vomited. Right, now the whole school would think she was bulimic.

Tess watched Addie now, listening to Mr. Wheeler with her hand interlaced with Roland. Her heart rate picked up again as she saw Adley turn round to face her, and the tremors of anxiety washed through her. Instead Adley looked back at Cara and mouthed something to her. Class seemed to last forever,  but she hung back even as it ended, letting Addie walk through first and then waiting for the rest of the class to shuffle out. It was petty, but...

Tess suddenly became aware of the fact that someone was sobbing. She turned, half-concerned and half tempted to chase after Danny. Making her way through the rows of seats in the auditorium, she found Cara at the back, her make up running.

Feeling distinctly awkward, Tess knelt down and put her hands on the back of the crying girl, rubbing them in circular motions like her mother used to do to her. Cara's body shuddered with sadness, but the girl twisted to face Tess.

"Why are you doing this?" Cara asked, her voice laced with hurt.

Tess didn't know how to reply. "Because someone should." She said, and then after a moment's pause, added, "because you need someone. And I'm here."

"I'm fine," Cara sniffed, rubbing her nose with a heavily ringed hand.

"You don't seem fine to me," Tess said laughing, and then turning to sit cross-legged in front of the blonde girl. "You want to tell me why you were crying?"


"Ok. Tout ce que vous voulez."

Cara smiled, "très bien alors."

"You speak french?" Tessa asked, her voice high with evident surprise.

"Just a little really. My dad used to teach it to his students, but he...left his job."

"My mother's french. I just grew up hearing it kinda." 

Cara caught sight of her mascara-streaked face and sighed. Tess turned to where the girl was looking at her reflection and giggled. "Wow. You look like a model."

Cara shoved her ruefully. "God, like the rumours about me needed any fuelling."

"I never believe in rumors," Tessa said, surprising herself with the open socialness she had been expressing in the past few days. Of course, her heart was going manic at even talking to a stranger, but..." they're all started by jealous girls and fuked up boys."

"Well I'm not so sure that many people are jealous of head banger."

"Hey, I like it." Tessa said, nodding her head in her best Elton John impression. "Gives you edge."

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