Chapter 1

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Author's note: Had the cute idea and couldn't not write it! First time I've written Deacury! Hope everyone enjoys it, because there more to come :)

It all started just after John had turned 19. He'd been in college for over a year and had been doing rather well for himself. He was silently making his way to being honors in all his classes and had an active night life that involved lots of exercise. Which really meant that he loved going out and dancing the nights away. Giggling in strangers arms while he spun in circle after circle, dipping low for whichever strong arm man decided to bend him. It was all lovely, really.

John wasn't exactly sure why he had gone and ruined it for himself, but it wasn't noticeable until far to late. He'd saw an audition paper go up for the 6 time in probably 7 months for a bassist. Now, these people were clearly picky and probably hard to get along with, but John needed to be able to tell his mom that he was doing an extracurricular activity with other people. Saying he put all those bass skills of his to good use and tried to join a band sounded like the best way to do so.

The plan was join, have them find out about just how weird and unsociable he was and then be sad and call mom when they said to leave. They had clearly done that to so many other people that it seemed foolproof. And then he had met the weirdo's that were currently calling themselves Smile.

Roger was loud and obnoxious, with the only thing that he seemed to care about was chasing skirts. Brian was very tall and very smart, but lacked a down to Earth quality that made him seem almost inhuman. Freddie was boisterous and uncaring about generally anything. Those three seemed like they'd managed to find family in one another and even from John's outsider point of view it seemed wonderful.

What John did not count on was the fact that they genuinely seemed to like him. It had started straight from the audition; Freddie had dramatically walked in late, not caring in the slightest. Brian and Roger didn't seem to give a fuck that he was late either, so John figured it to be a common occurrence. John had barely had a chance to introduce himself before Freddie shot the topic off in another direction.

The pure flirtyness of Freddie's voice was something that John had been entirely unprepared for. "Hello Darling, are you the new bassist? Look at the hair of yours, you fit right in!" He never seemed to stop talking if there was silence in the room.

Freddie hadn't even heard him play yet, and dubbed him a member of the crew. Roger and Brian fretted in the background as Freddie got close and circled an arm around John's waist. "Just look at these hips! Do you go dancing much Dear? You've got the perfect body to have all the rocking moves."

John blushed red at Freddie's words, turning his head away and towards the ground. He missed the very interested look that Freddie shot him, but did catch the way the arm around him only seemed to tighten when he squirmed.

"I do like dancing, but what does that have to do with joining your band?" John asked in a quiet voice, feeling a bit confused. He'd been here for what felt like forever and no one had even asked him to play any music yet. Who were these people?

"Why, as group activities to get together we like to do things like go dancing. We should try doing that tonight, just to see if you're a good fit." Freddie was a big flirt, and didn't seem to care if John shied away from him. The type of man that usually didn't take no for an answer because he hardly ever got a no. The type of man John usually liked.

"Shouldn't you listen to me play for my audition and decide on that?" John squeaked out, looking over at the other members of this strange band. They were no help at all; seeming to be arguing over something completely different then the topic at hand.

"Darling, I'm sure you're magnificent. Do tell me your answer about the dancing tonight though." Freddie insisted, twisting John ever closer to his body. Did this man have no concept of personal space or truely just enjoy breathing John's air?

"I'll go, I guess. Can I play my music now?" John whined, feeling a bit embarrassed about the whole situation. It might be fun to go to a club with someone who's name he actually knew, or it might be terrible. Either way; John had always been a fan of dancing.

It occurred to him seconds to late that he'd have to go without his usual get up, and it made John's mood sink. Would dancing even be the same with his best heels? What about that skirt that he'd been thinking about wearing all week? He frowned upset, and curled in on himself to get away from Freddie's warm hands. This wasn't going as he thought it would, and John kind of wanted to run away.

"Fred, leave the poor boy alone and let him play something for us. You can't just let him in the band because you think he's pretty." There was Roger to apparently save the day. John could only wonder if he was the mediator of the group or if that position was up for grabs.

Freddie released his hold on John with a bit of a pout and danced away like that was all he ever thought about. He picked up John's hand to hold before getting to far away and pulled him along. "Ignore Roger and he's hereditary rudeness, though I do think you're pretty. Now Darling, play me a tune." Freddie said with this wonderful full faced grin.

John took a few moments to get his bass ready, and played a few strings to check if everything was in tune. "What would like me to play?" He asked, suddenly feeling nervous. It had been quite awhile sense he had played in front of anyone and he might be terrible compared to then. Everything had been taking the back burner to school as of late.

"Play what's in your heart Dear!" Was Freddie's answer, and John had to wonder if he ever had a normal conversation. Yeah, this audition was certainly a strange one.

He liked the way Freddie's eyes never left him as he played tune after tune with expert fingers. It made him feel like he was all dolled up and dancing for strangers in a club. Yes, maybe this would all work out.

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