Chapter 2

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Author's note: Thanks for everyone who's been reading! I going to be posting this on AO3 as well, but not quite yet. Still finishing up the Embrace series on there.

Who's up for a little bit of angst?

It was a bit upsetting for John to have to get ready for a club and not get his preferred outfit on. He'd thought about getting all pretty and marching there anyways, but it was suddenly scary because those three would know. He could deal with them being mean to him, because they honestly were just people he'd meant once. It was more then that though, because there was a chance they could not like it to the point of being violent. He didn't trust anyone.

Instead of being himself, John dressed in his tightest jeans and a shimmery top that could probably even pass as a man's shirt. The rhinestones on it that would glitter in the clubs dim light made him feel a bit better. It still wasn't the same, but it gave him courage to go and meet with his new maybe bandmates. He could get through this one night and then regroup with himself tomorrow. It wouldn't be that bad, John was almost sure of it.

It was in fact that bad. John had been several minutes early to the club that had been picked out and Freddie was already waiting for him at the door like he'd been a hour late. That was quite upsetting after Freddie had been so late to the rehearsal. John had thought that he'd have plenty of time to get a drink into him for courage before he'd show up.

Freddie hooked an arm around John and swung him in close. "Now Darling, this outfit of yours is absolutely hypnotic. You're gonna look so sexy bopping about the dance floor. I'll have to fight people off of you with a stick." Freddie was being nothing but kind with his words, but it just made John feel uncomfortable.

Why would Freddie be trying to get people away from John? That was practically the entire point of going dancing, finding a perfect stranger to share a few stolen moments with! "Freddie, it's okay. I like dancing with people, so I won't mind if they get a bit close." John tried to explain as Freddie pulled him forward to the bar.

A drink might actually help with all the anxiety he was feeling tonight, but it wouldn't be a solution in the long run. Never the less, he still gratefully accepted the one that Freddie handed to him. Gulping deep while he had a glance around the room. Nothing was in full swing yet and there wasn't that many people present. John didn't see Brian or Roger in the crowd.

"Where are the other two?" John questioned, feeling a bit upset that they weren't there after this had been declared a band outing. It occurred to him a moment to late that maybe they just weren't early like he and Freddie were. Great, now he sounded whiny.

"Have no fear John, they'll be around soon. Brian had homework to finish and Roger likes to get good and drunk for coming out to dance." Freddie explained, showing patience that he hadn't this afternoon.

John blushed a bit, not willing to admit it was because that was the first time that Freddie had said his name. It sounded so good coming from those musically talented lips.

"Well, then you'll just have to do from my first dance. Come on big boy, show me what you've got." It was like a switch had been flipped and even if John wasn't in his usual wear, the personality was still present. Gone was the shy and lonely boy. In his place stood a flirt just looking for anyone who had enough moves to show him a good time.

Freddie looked a bit shocked for a moment, but recovered fast. He grabbed John's hand and entangled their fingers, setting his own drink back down in favor of getting close into John's personal space. John didn't turn away when their lips came so close together that they could have kissed. Freddie pulled back again at the last second and this time looked a bit flustered himself. Was this some kind of game of gay chicken, because John really wasn't playing?

"Is that a no? It's alright if you wanna find a girl Fred, I can see a few guys eyeing me up from here and I'm more then happy to take my banter over there instead." John said, with a bit of a pout. It wasn't a big deal if Freddie was all talk and no game, but he was going to have to leave John alone so he could have fun tonight.

Freddie only crowded in close once more with a look of wonder in his eyes. Like John was some kind of delicate flower that he'd never thought he'd get to witness. He breathed in deeply with them standing against one another, taking in John's air. His pupils were blown wide and he looked turned on.

"Darling, you're so forward. Such a pleasant surprise but I must tell you I've got a girl at home." Freddie said, not back away or down at all. He didn't look like he cared to much about who ever he had at home, considering that he clearly hadn't come here with them. John still couldn't consent to something that would be considered cheating; mostly because he knew exactly how upset he'd be if it happened to him.

"Then let go and I'll find someone who doesn't. I'm a only girl in your world kind of person." John answered, wriggling in Freddie arms. He didn't notice the improper use of words, but Freddie certainly did.

"Darling, I think it'd be much better for you to just dance with me. I'll give you all the attention you need, so don't try and go to another man. Stay with me." Freddie words came out like he was entranced with John. He looked like a man possessed, and showed no signs that he was going to be letting go of his hold on John.

"Freddie, you just said you have a girlfriend. If we're going to be bandmates then you have to know that I'm not into making things messy. I just like having a good time. That doesn't happen when the other person has got someone waiting up on them." John tried again, tugging himself away from Freddie.

Freddie looked ready to bust a blood vessel with how hard he was trying to get John to just stay in his arms. "And how do you know this is what you really want? Liking guys, dancing like you want; isn't it scary for you?" The way that he had raised he voice a bit had caught John's attention, but he was to upset to stop now. Clearly, John had struck some sort of sore spot with the other man.

"It's not scary, I can't help but like what I like Freddie. If it's a problem I won't join the band, I don't like hiding myself from people." That was mostly the truth, the times John had imagined having friends they would all know his secrets and sexuality. Just because it hadn't currently happened doesn't mean he wouldn't have hope for the future.

Freddie looked upset, but let go of him. Neither man said anything else as John backed away. This whole situation had ruined his mood and now he didn't even feel like dancing. So much for making new friends.

John exited the club and headed for home without a second thought. He wasn't going to stick around to be made fun of by a flirt. Damn this band thing, it already seemed to be a terrible idea. What could he have been thinking?

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