Chapter 3

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Author's note: in this chapter Freddie more charming and starts to win John over! Hope everyone enjoys!

Three days had passed since the whole band predicament and he hadn't tried to get in touch with any of them. They had all tried to get in touch with him though. Irritating men. John couldn't understand their need to annoy him as he clearly hadn't been cut for the band.

John was currently living in a dorm room and had to share a phone with 6 people. Normally that wouldn't be a problem but someone always seemed to pick up when it rang. He wasn't even sure how the group had gotten his phone number, as he wasn't sure he never told it to anyone. Either way, every time someone told him he had a phone call he would march over and make sure it wasn't his mother and then slam down on the receiver.

This whole situation was stressful and completely unnecessary. He had been told that they were going out to see if they all got along as a band and they clearly hadn't. There was no reason for these phones calls other then harassment. It was all starting to wear down on John's mental health.

Class had run long like it always seemed to on a Friday afternoon, and John had the headache that wouldn't go away. The headache could have been for several reasons but when he exited the building and saw Freddie standing there he knew it was because he was about to have an incredibly hard conversation.

The frown on Freddie's face looked unnatural; he had one of those faces that seemed to always smile through everything. It made John feel a bit bad for slamming the phone down on him just this very morning. The worst thing about the whole situation was that Freddie spotted him immediately and John didn't have anytime to escape away. With a deep sigh, John accepted the enviable and went to talk to Freddie.

"There you are Dear, thought I'd never get to see that lovely face again at this rate. You missed band practice yesterday and everyone was a little worried. Did you know how hard to was to get your class schedule? It's like everyone I asked had no idea you were even in a class with them." Freddie rattled on, looking a bit sheepish. It probably had something to do with how John had escaped from him in the club previously. John wasn't feeling any sympathy for him at the moment.

"It didn't work out for the night out, so I figured you wouldn't want me in the band. Or maybe I decided that it wasn't best for me to hang around people that made me upset." John answered, feeling a bit defensive. Why did they have to have another stupid conversation? He'd said everything he needed back there in that dirty club.

John had to dodge away from Freddie's reaching hands, not feeling in the mood to be wrapped up and pulled close. This man was both pushy and impossible to deal with. He was starting to feel aggravated and wanted nothing more then to continue on his way, letting Freddie shout at him from behind. That would take to much courage though, and John was practically quaking in his boots with being called out like this.

"Darling, we loved the way you played music and everything else can be worked on in the future. I'm so sorry I upset you John, but I think we should give it another chance. You'd be perfect for us and I promise I'll be more careful with my words." Freddie begged. He looked like he was being genuine with his words and it made John want to give him another chance.

John had to swallow the lump in his throat and look away to gain some courage. "Give me a call on Saturday afternoon and I'll tell you my answer then. I'll take the night to cool off and think about it." That seemed like a reasonable answer to John and if he chose no, he wouldn't have to to say it to Freddie face.

Freddie gave him a resigned look, but dropped the subject in favor of not pissing John off again. They stood silently for a minute and as time dragged on John began to get antsy. "Well if that's it Freddie, I should get going. My books are heavy and I don't want to carry them anymore." John explained in favor of making a quick escape. This was only becoming more unpleasant the longer it drug on. Plus the more he got held on with this conversation the less time he'd have to get ready for his night out.

"Oh Darling, let me take those for you. I used to be a boxer, still got quite the muscle from it. I'll walk you home." Freddie offered John a full grin and he was powerless to do anything but nod to the suggestion. He'd never had anyone offer to carry his books before. Interesting.

Everything was easier when he no longer had thirty pounds of textbooks weighing him down, so at least that was a plus. Freddie following him home was a curious thing. He was wondering if he should have refused, so that this man he barely knew would continue to not know where he lived. He'd already clearly been asking around about him and that set John's worry sensors off big time. Guys didn't stalk other guys, right?

"This is really nice of you Fred, thank you." John said, trying to break away from his worried thoughts. He felt a bit awkward with the whole situation, but walking with Freddie wasn't as bad as he thought it would be.

"You're quite welcome John, I'd do this for you anytime. Speaking of, do you have plans for tonight? It's Friday and I'm going back out to go dancing tonight. I'd love for you to join me after how the last time turned out." John had to glance over to check if he was even being serious. Did this man really not just get it?

"Look Freddie the answer's the same as before. I'm not a side piece, and if you've got someone waiting on you I'm not interested." John was irritated that he had to have a repeat of this conversation. Could he just leave John alone?

"Look Deaky. I-" Freddie started, but John whipped around to cut him off.

"What did you just call me?" He tried not to shout, but it was getting increasingly difficult. He was tempted to grab his book and run away, because this man was driving him insane.

"Deaky. Like your last name. Pretty isn't it?" Freddie said with a grin, like he was congratulating himself for being a genius.

John kind of liked it, but didn't want to admit it out loud. He hummed in what he could only hope was an annoyed fashion.

"I broke up with Mary, my girlfriend. Will you come dancing with me tonight?" Freddie continues nonchalantly, like it didn't even matter to him.

John stopped abruptly and whipped around to actually face Freddie. "Why would you break up with your girlfriend?" His voice was shocked and a bit whispery. He couldn't believe that the older man would say that.

"Because my Darling Deaky, you were right. I'm fooling myself to be happy and being a terrible person to do it. I like men, why would I have a girlfriend?" Freddie explained with a sparkle in his eye.

"Alright, let's go dancing tonight then." John could hardly believe that he'd just offered that. He must be losing his damn mind.

"Alright Dear, I'll be back to pick you up at 9. Dress up for me." He said with a wink, passing the book back to John as they arrived in front of the dorms. John tried not to think about why Freddie already seemed to know where he lived and suddenly had a date to look forward to.

Who breaks up with their significant other because someone tells them they won't dance with them? This Freddie was certainly a weirdo. John kind of liked him.

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