Chapter 5

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Author's note: I'm thinking this story's only going to have a one more chapter, as I kind of like it being short and sweet. I've made the decision it's not going to have smut. But the last chapter is gonna be cute. 

They arrived at the club just after it had gotten dark, and John had cling onto Freddie's arm the whole way like the man had wanted. It made him feel appreciated and delicate. He was taller then Freddie, especially in the shoes he had chosen, but Freddie's chest was puffed out and he looked like a proper man compared to John feminine figure. It kind of turned John on.

They didn't say much to one another the entire time they were walking. John was to nervous to and Freddie seemed to have absolutely no problem with the silence. He might have been afraid of saying the wrong thing after last time John chewed him out. John wouldn't blame him for that in the slightest.

The club was louder then it had been the other night, but that probably had something to do with tonight was a Friday. Everyone had worked all week and was ready to cut lose for a single evening. John felt the same way as the heavy tempo music waft over his body and he suddenly feels ready to swing about on that crowded dance floor.

He let go of Freddie, only to be wheeled back in by a strong arm. "Don't try and run away from me this time Darling. I'm all yours, so let's go to the dance floor together. Or would you like to have a drink first?" Freddie asked, grinning up at John.

John found that he very much liked that wonderful, full mouthed smile. "Come dance with me." He practically begging, tugging Freddie in the direction of the dance floor. They laughed together as they went, like a happy couple.

John sounds around and rested his hands on those strong looking shoulders as soon as he got Freddie into the spot he wanted him. They swayed like they were made to be in each other's arms for a moment to get used to the crowd. John's partner was having some issues to where he should be putting his hands, but finally settled them on those skirt covered hips.

They felt big on John, and he couldn't help but image them on more intimate places. John couldn't help biting at his glossy lips at a few dirty thoughts rushing through his head. He was so distracted that he didn't even notice the way that Freddie stared.

"I have a confession to make Darling." Freddie said aloud when the loud music stopped for a brief moment. John thanked god for the way that the lights made Freddie skin look, but listened closely despite the constant distraction.

"What's wrong?" John was feeling a bit worried that this would be the moment that Freddie admitted he didn't like how he was dressed. Or told him that he was a terrible dancer. The negative possibilities were endless and it really got John's heart thumping.

"Nothing wrong Deaky, it's just that I haven't been entirely truthful with you. Should this work out to more then this one night and Darling I have big plans that it will, I want to be completely honest with you." Freddie continued on, not seeming to notice that worried face that John was making.

If the flirt truly had plans on them being together then why was he scaring John like this? Honestly it was uncalled for and John didn't appreciate it. Even if he liked that nickname Freddie had chosen to give him. It was more intimate then just the darling or dear that he seemed to call everybody.

"So be honest now, I can take it." John wasn't entirely sure that was the truth, but he'd try none the less. He had his big girl panties on after all, and they generally made him feel like he could do anything. Even take negative comments from a flirt he was currently on a date with.

"I had seen you out dancing before you came to the band audition. Even danced with you once before, but you were much to drunk to remember me." Freddie spat out like he had almost reconsidered telling John.

John was a bit shocked to hear what Freddie had to say and openly gaped at him for a moment. Freddie had known that he was a cross dresser and still invited him out? Had given him an invitation into his rock band with a second thought? Just who was this guy?

"John I couldn't stop thinking about the way you would cling to me when I dipped you down or the way that you'd drunken place a kiss on my neck after every song. I had been trying to find you and then you just showed up like a dream to the audition. I didn't want to let you go because I'd suddenly had you again." Freddie explained as the music started back up to a bit of  a faster beat.

John stayed stalk still despite the increased tempo, feeling a bit over emotional after listening to Freddie's words. "And you recognized me in normal clothing?" John bit his lip again, this time it was to check if he was really awake and not dreaming this.

"Of course I did Baby, you're so beautiful in everything you wear. Though now I'm going to have to say that this little pink top of yours is my favorite thing I've seen so far." Freddie about growled as he tugged John in close. His large hands that had previously sat on John's hips began to wander. Pressing in on wonderful places, like the small of his back and dipping down to cup at his ass.

John liked those exploring hand more then he was willing to admit out loud, and pressed back for more silently. It occurred to him that he could blow Freddie's cool right now in this club, and he felt a spark of courage to do so from knowing that his flirt liked how he looked.

"I like this top too, but it's not my favorite bit of clothing. That would have to go to the number I'm wearing under this skirt Freddie." The last bit came out in a low whisper, and John flushed red as he said it. He wasn't sure were the bravery he had momentarily felt came from, but was glad it had when he looked at Fred's star struck face.

He'd be brave every moment for the rest of his life of Freddie would always look at him like that.

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