Part 6

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Author's note: Does anyone else constantly picture 80's Freddie and 70's John? Cause man, that's the good shit. Final chapter, but it's a bit longer then the rest. Thanks for reading!

It took a moment for Freddie to spring into action after that last comment, but John gave him the need to time work things out. He had never minded being patient, especially when a reward for doing so was a big possibility. Not to mention that to stand still with Freddie in the dark lights of this semi-seedy night club with warm hands on his ass, wasn't exactly a challenge. It felt nice.

The growl that left Freddie's throat was nice in a different way. It got John heart and blood pumping for more lewd reasons, and the whimper that left him was the easy answer. It only seemed to encourage Freddie to lean forward and brushed their lips together. That moment could be considered their first kiss and it was sweeter then even John had pictured.

They broke apart because of what could happen if someone caught on to the two of them openly kissing. If they were sober then they'd be able to tell that John wasn't quite as female as he was posing to be. No one had ever really bothered John for being out like he was, but he didn't want the best night of his life tainted by a homophobic idiot. That didn't stop John from leaning down and resting his head on the crook of Freddie's neck. He placed a sweet kiss there like Freddie had said he had done before and smiled happily.

This night was amazing and he could already picture so many more nights just like this one. More importantly, he could picture dressing up in more scandalous outfits that would just be for Freddie's eyes. They could dance around the living room of an apartment they would share; Freddie would seduce him with song. He'd fall easily into bed with him because they had done it a thousand times before. John would write a song a for Freddie about love and ask Freddie to sing it for him to the world; after giving a very private demonstration himself of it.

"I'd very much like to see you in just your pretty little panties Deaky, but I fear if we leave so early people will talk. I don't want them to start rumors about you Doll, or hurt your reputation. After all, your such a good girl normally." Freddie said pulling John away from his neck and shifting them to be dancing again. They bopped around in easy sync, like they had truly been made to find each other.

John had never had a man speak to him like that and he liked it even more then he had thought he would. He played along coyly and batted his eyelashes to emphasize the act. His lip glossed lips pouted a bit, but his eyes sparkled with happiness.

"I am normally good, but you make me wanna be bad. Let them talk, let them all say I let you take me to bed. I love those strong arms of yours Freddie, and the way your skin glows for the lights. Will you dip me low and then when it's over take me home with you?" John had never pictured saying everything he had held in his soul on the first date, but couldn't stand it any longer. Freddie was a flirt, and he played right into the game to be bothered. This was his full hand of cards being laid down, if Freddie wanted this all he had to do was say yes.

Freddie did something better then say yes and dip him down. Freddie picked John up off the ground and spun them in a circle together. The move made John squeal in surprise, and cling onto the other man with perhaps a too tight grip. He had been fantasizing about those strong arms and hands, but hadn't realized that they'd have this much strength in them. If John was being honest, this was all his greatest fantasies put into one.

The song ended and he was place back delicately onto the ground, and immediately grabbed to be kissed. And what a kiss this one was, like they had gotten the sweet and awkward over with during the first one. It was hot and passionate, everything that Freddie seemed to strive to be.

"Dancing be damned, come home with me now. John, let me make your wildest dreams come true, whatever they may be. Fuck, you drive me wild Darling." Freddie practically begged even though John had already given the okay. They hugged together tightly and neither man wanted to move, finding comfort in each other's bodies.

"Yes, please Freddie. Take me home with you and let me show you what I wore just for you." John whimpered, scraping his nails against the back of Freddie's neck. He'd seen guys like that motion before, but had never been brave enough to try it on anyone himself. The way Freddie shivered under his hands made him extremely happy he did it.

"Fuck." Was all Freddie said in answer before swooping forward to kiss John again. This kiss was desperate, wet and over far too soon. He pulled back and John got to see Freddie glassy, turned on eyes scooping out the room for the nearest exit.

Freddie looked an arm around John's waist and settled a hand to possessively grip his ass. He guided them both out of the building with grace that John was beginning to understand that Freddie always had. The hand never left his ass and he felt empowered to speak as they wandered down the street, towards what would happen when they reached Freddie's apartment.

"Does this ruin things with the band? I'd like to give another go at an audition if you'll still have me. I'd quite like playing bass with you weird lot." John couldn't help but wonder if the spot had already been filled by someone else. He kind of hoped that it was still open for him, because the flirting from Freddie wouldn't make him bitter if they were involved. That had been the main problem in the first place.

Freddie stopped them for a second to smile brightly at him. He was still flushed from the earlier public make out session they had decided to have and even in the dark John could tell his trousers were a bit tight in the crotch area. Fuck, John loved the way that that Freddie looked.

"Nothing would make me happier then for you to be our bassist, even if you decide you don't want to be with me in the end. I told the others that you had a test in the morning which was why you were leaving as they were showing up to band night and then sick at what should have been our first practice." Freddie explained, sounding a bit shy for the first time in front of John.

John giggled at the fact that Freddie hadn't told the other boys about his initial angry moment, and the fact that he'd apparently covered for him during first practice. "Wait, then why have I been getting so many phone calls from everyone?" He questioned, suddenly feeling a bit confused.

Freddie bit his lip to stifle a laugh and blinked away the twitch from it. "That would be Brian, he can never leave anyone alone. Been complaining that your probably dying because you just hang up on him when he tries to speak, and he just has to call to check if your okay. He just about throttled me when I said I was taking you dancing tonight."

John's eyes widened and he was speechless for an entire minute. "Wait what? I thought everyone was prank calling and making fun because I didn't make the band. Why would they care, I met Brian briefly once!" He exclaimed, feeling overwhelmed all of the sudden.

"Brian's a big worry wart and Roger desperately wants to be friends with someone his own age. It doesn't surprise me that they called enough times that you thought you were being pranked." Freddie giggles as he finally walked on.

John stood and watched him go for a single beat, watching his ass from behind. This man and the other two were all crazy, but John wanted nothing more then to surround himself with these lovely and strange creatures. He was in for a hot night tonight, and then apparently band practice in the afternoon. Because he was in a band.

John smiled and jogged after Freddie who caught him with ease. This was the beginning of something great.

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