Fiddles In The Dark: A Gollum X Dobby Love Story

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When Dobby woke it was dark. The air felt contained, perhaps he was underground... The floor was damp and muddy and there was a faint smell of mould, old air, and decay.

He opened his eyes wide but still didn't see very much. There was no wind, not a breeze, not even a draft. Where was he? He breifly remembered apparating, but where from? More importantly, where to?

He sat up and rubbed his eyes hoping to feel some sort of blindfold that would explain his blindness. But no, darkness still clouded his vision.

His eyes began to adjust after he stood up, he could see the glistening of wet rock and a shroud of mist around his feet.

He raised his hands toward his face and snapped his fingers making a dull light appear. He was in a tunnel. He must be at Gringots!

But deep down part of him knew, that wasn't the case. He shuffled down the tunnel leaning heavily on rocks for support.

Why did he feel so exhausted what had happened to him? He felt a warm trickle down his head and reached up to see blood on his fingers. He must've hit his head at some point in all this confusion.

The elf carried on down the tunnel until he came across a wide opening, a larger cave section with an underground lake.

Dobby felt dizzy and collapsed onto a smooth rock to catch his breath. He looked out at the still water and marvelled at how the silvery mist danced across its surface.

But there was no wind... How could the mist move with no wind? Dobby held his breath subconsciously and looked up. There was a small raft on the shore. That wasn't there before... There were wet foot prints on the rock, they weren't there before...

He released a shakey breath and looked up to see a pair of huge eyes glowing bright silver.

He squealed and jumped up. "W-who are you?"

Gollum skulked down the rock and jumped in front of Dobby in one leap. He licked his thin grey lips and flashed a toothy smile.

"Bless us and splash us Precioussss." he crept closer inquizatively and sniffed Dobby's ragged clothes.
"What is it? It's not an orcs no, but it's not an elfs, what is it Precious?"

Dobby took a deep breath and introduced himself to the handsome creature. "Dobby is a house elf." he nodded proudly.

"What is a Dobby Precious?" Gollum questioned while circling the smaller creature.

Dobby laughed as Gollum sat in front of him with a look of confusion on his face. "Dobby is a helper, Dobby serves his master."


"What is your name?" Dobby asked curiously.

"Yesssssss." Gollum hissed.

"Your name... is yes?"

"Nooooo..." Gollum whispered, he crept up closer to Dobby with a seductive smile across his face. He backed Dobby into a rock and walked his fingers up Dobby's heaving chest.

"My name is... GolLUmM gOLluMM." he coughed into the house elf's face. He grinned, flashing his nine remaining yellow teeth.

Dobby felt heat rapidly flow to his cheeks, he knew for sure he was blushing. He glanced at the big flat pads of Gollums fingers walking their way up his chest, he gazed into Gollums faded blue eyes. Eyes that had seen death, the eyes of a killer. Dobby had always had a thing for bad boys.

Gollum lowered the elf onto the rock and cambered into his lap, one hand flat against his chest and the other fed around his shoulder so the slimy creature could reach up and finger Dobby's pointed ears. Dobby groaned helplessly and leaned into Gollum's touch. His cold, wet fingers felt heavenly against his skull.

Smeagol brought back his hand and sucked the deep red blood seductively from his thumb.

"We likes it. My preciousssss... My love... Does it likes the handses?" Gollum questioned, he was eager to please.

Dobby nodded ferociously and gave a dopey grin. "Dobby likes it. Harry Potter never does nice things for Dobby, he only gave us a sock, mmm."

Gollum smacked his lips, "Potters? What is a Potters Precious?" he cocked his head to one side and let his fingers glide down Dobby's cheek as he panted hot air into Dobby's face.

"He is Dobby's master."


"Not any more. Dobby is free! Free from everyone, even Harry Potter. Besides, Dobby has a new master now." The house elf smirked up at the slimy creature sitting on his lap.

Gollum gasped, he had never been the master before. He gazed down into Dobby's pale green eyes and couldn't help but squirm. He had never felt like this before. He was hyperventilating, his heart was beating way too fast, and why was his vision blurring?

"GoLLUm gOLlumm." he spluttered into Dobby's rag covered chest and grinned. Tears sprang from his faded blue eyes.

Gollum squished Dobby's face between his slimy palms and kissed him fiercely with fire and passion.

His cool, wet tongue didn't know what to do. Gollum was inexperienced. He was one who watched. Hiding in the shadows, under beds, behind curtains, he liked to watch... Watching was all he knew of this act, all the experience he had.

Smeagol felt the fast drumming of Dobby's heart hammering in his chest, it gave him incentive to carry on.

They sat there for what felt like an eternity before they pulled away. A long trail of saliva kept the two connected at the mouth. Gollum caught his breathses and placed a hand gently on Dobby's clothed stomach.

"Will it have babieses now? Will it?" Gollum questioned.

Dobby looked down at his belly and frowned.

They did kiss. And they had held hands too. That meant he must be pregnant!

Tears welled in Dobby's green eyes. He smiled up at Gollum and nodded. Smeagol fist pumped the air and leaned down to place his ear againt the house elf's flat tummy.

"I can hears it! Its crying! We hears it my precious!" Smeagol was going to be a dad! He had never been happier, except maybe that time when he killed that nasty orcses.

Dobby smiled and uttered a happy sigh. Wherever he was, however he got here, he was happy. And he never wanted to go back.

The world spun. And then it went dark. Dobby passed out, blood pooled in the sand leaving a trail down the smooth rocks from the gash on his head. But the house elf knew that when he were to wake up his love will be waiting for him. Their future would be waiting for him.

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