Oi! Where are the pancakes?

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Lucy yawned as she say up drover bed. The blonde girl got out of her bed and headed straight for the shower. The blonde Mage quickly got changed(In picture). Lucy brushed her blonde hair and put it into two cute pigtails. Right when the energetic girl was about to exit her small apartment she heard a loud banging on the door.

"Blondie! Open up!" Lucy heard Laxus's tough voice call out to her behind her wooden door. Lucy skipped over to her door and opened it with a cheerful smile.

"Hi Laxus, Erza!" Lucy greeted the two S-class mages.

Erza held up a flyer, "ready to start your first mission?"

Lucy smiled brightly, "you know it!" The star Mage quickly packed and they headed off to the train station.

-On Train-

"So what's this mission?" Lucy asked Erza as she ate her strawberry cake. Erza, who was in the middle of chewing, shoved the paper in Lucy's hands. Right then the train started and Laxus didn't exactly look to good.

"We'll look at that, the great big Laxus gets motion sickness!" Lucy teased the lightening dragon slayer.

"Shut up." Laxus grumbled and Lucy giggled lightly.

"Here lay down on my lap." Lucy patted her lap and Laxus placed his head on her lap. Erza noticed the small blush on Laxus's face. Lucy started to hum and stroke his hair as she read over the mission request.

"Hmm, slay some monster for 1,000,000 Jewel?! I'm up for it!" Lucy exclaimed and instantly went back to humming while handing Erza the flyer back.

-after train ride-

The 3 mages get off the train ride and head over to where they were meeting their client. Laxus ran off the train as fast as he could. When Laxus arrived on solid ground he started to kiss the ground. Lucy and Erza responded to his actions by sweat dropping.

"NEVER EVER LEAVE ME AGAIN GROUND!" Laxus exclaims and kisses the concrete once more. Erza walked over to Laxus and pick him up from the purple collar of his shirt under his long coat.
"Let's go Dreyar." Erza barked as she quickly retrieved the luggage and started to walk to where their client lived.
Lucy walked over to Laxus as she stood on all fours. She giggled with a light pink hue painting her cheeks and the blonde Mage jogged to catch up with Erza. Laxus sighed and walked after them, aiming to get his pride back.

The three mages arrived at the clients small house, or more of a small hut in the middle in a swampy region.
Lucy skipped over to the small wooden door and knock three times. An old man opens the door and Lucy smiles brightly and waves her hand wildly and very...fast.
"Hello! We are from Fairy Tail, the ones you hired!" Lucy exclaimed while waving her hand frantically.
"Ah welcome, come on inside." The old man opened the door wider and the three fairy tail wizards walked in. When they entered the small house they saw hand crafted masks decorating the wooden walls, a fire place under that, a mini hallway, a few doors, a green couch with a coffee table, and a small table with wooden chairs around it.
"Please take a seat." The old man gestured to the chairs around the table. The three mages nodded and walked over to the chairs, well...except for lucy, she skipped.

"My name is Tenzo Ashdire." The elder introduced himself as he sat down.
"I'm Erza, this is Lucy and Laxus." Erza said, pointing to each Mage. Lucy smiled and waved her hand.
"Hi!" Laxus sighed annoyed and crossed his arms.
"Alright so give us the details about this monster." Laxus ordered. Right after those words completely laxus flew across the room.
"Oh shit!" Laxus yelled as the impact of Lucy's fist hit him. Lucy's face became completely dark and her once brown eyes turned into two red dots (ANIME STYLE :D) as she stomped towards Laxus.
"Laxus..." Lucy growled and grabbed her whip from her waist band and straighten it out which caused it to make a crack sound.
"Where the hell did you get that whip?!" Laxus exclaimed with his hair sticking up and his eyes becoming two big white circles and black outlining them.
"You forgot to say a very important word..." Lucy snarled as she whipped the ground.
"AIIIIEEEE!" Erza and Tenzo screamed, imitating Laxus's face.
A silence filled the air as Lucy glared at Laxus as he stared back at her.

Lucy crouched down and stared at Laxus with a flat face. She then punched him square in face.
"It's please dumb ass." Lucy stated bluntly and walked back to her chair with a bright smile on her face. The blonde girl clapped her hands and smiled at a shaking Tenzo.
"So, how about that monster?" Lucy asked as she sat down.
Laxus was sulking in a corner.
'So much for gaining my pride back...' He thought.

After Tenzo filled them in on the details on this mission he signed them in a hotel. Lucy smiled as she ran into the room and collapsed on the bed with a long groan. It was already 12:00 at night and she was tired!
"See you in the morning Laxus." Erza then slammed the door on Lasus and recipes into pajamas. Lucy quickly changed into a blue tank top with blue pajama pants with yellow stars. Right when her head hit the pillow she fell asleep. Erza laughed softly as she saw the blonde's sleeping figure from the couch.
'She's a unique one, that's for sure...' Erza thought before she got ready to sleep.


Lucy quickly looked for a change of clothes but to her luck only found the ones from yesterday.
'Well then fuck another pair of clothes I'm going with these babies!' Lucy thought as she quickly got changed and head downstairs to met Laxus and Erza for breakfast.

When she arrived at the dining hall lucy found a buffet. Lucy got a plate and filled it up with food. But to her sadness, and anger, there were no pancakes.
"Oi! Where are the pancakes?" Lucy asked the chefs.
"We ran out of batter." One of them replied. Lucy started to shake with rage.
"One does not simply run out of batter...." Lucy said, getting angry. Once again, the star Mage pulled out her whip out of no where.
"FOR THIS YOU SHALL PERISH INTO THE DEPTHS OF HELL!" Lucy yelled and started to completely trash everything.

Erza was about to take a bite of her strawberry cake but stopped when she realized something.
"Where's Lucy?" Erza asked Laxus, who happened to have his nose stuck in the paper. Right then there was a loud crash and boom and a cry that sounded like,
Laxus turned a page in the newspaper. Without looking up he answered,
"I have a pretty good idea where she is right now..."

OKAY IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN SOOOOOOO LONG! KILL ME! I've been busy with school and volleyball >.< and watching anime >.> HOPE YOU ENJOYED!!!!! :D Enjoy your pancakes ^.^ or feel the wrath of Lucy :D

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