Where Are You?

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Lucy huffs from anger as she stomps out of the hotel. She crosses her arms and pouts.
'All I wanted was pancakes!' Lucy thought as her stomach grumbles.
"Damn Blondie, you have quite the temper." Laxus said with a smirk playing on his lips.
"...I can fix it if you want..." Lucy quietly mumbled.
"Lucy we don't have that kind of time we can fix it later-" Erza started but Lucy cut her off by putting her hands together. All of a sudden, Lucy started to glow a golden color and she closed her brown eyes. Once the star Mage opened her eyes once again, they weren't her normal brown color. Instead the chocolate color turned a light yellow gold stars surrounding her pupil. The blonde Mage takes apart her hands and outstretches her arms towards the damaged building with her palms opened. Light flows from her hands and Lucy chants as if her voice had many other voices in it,
"Universal time reverse!" The building started to glow the same golden color as Lucy and it was back to normal. Erza and Laxus's jaws dropped at the scene that just played before them.
'What kind of power does this girl posses?' Erza thought to herself after Lucy finished fixing the hotel with the spell.
"You might as well close your mouths before flies come in." Lucy said with a smug smirk.
"Quit being so cocky, Blondie!" Laxus huffed while crossing his big arms.
"You're one to talk, Blondie!" Lucy snapped back before smiling and skipping away, "come on guys! We have a monster to slay!"
Erza and Laxus look at each other before sighing and following the hyperactive girl.

"Alright Erza-san, where is this 'monster' anyways?" Lucy asked after Laxus made the poor girl slow down, making quotation gestures when she spoke the word monster.
"Deep in the Lagoon of this village." Erza confirmed as she held her gaze at the crinkling brown map. Soon, Erza realized the nickname the Mage gave her. Her head perked up with her red hair giving off the impression of a strong red wave in the blood sea.
"Wait...Erza-San?" The S-class warrior asked her girl companion. Lucy giggled and smiled sweetly at the gushing red head.
"Well of course! That's what friends do, right?" Erza had a shade of pink forming on her cheeks but quickly her gaped mouth quickly closed and the corners of her mouth turned.
"Right." The two mages chuckle with each other.

'What am I? The third wheel?' Laxus thought while sweat dropping.
"Tch." Laxus sputtered and crossed his arms.
"Hmm, how about I call you....Oh! I know! Lax-ASS" Lucy chirped happily, clapping her hands once she got her pet name for the lightning dragon slayer.
"Hey what the hell?!" Laxus yelled while shaking his fist.
"Well you do have a nice ass, Lax-ASS!" Lucy said while chuckling.
"Why are you looking at my ass!?" The lightening dragon slayer yelled at Lucy.
The two kept on fighting like this as Erza laughed. Maybe, they could pull it off as a team after all...

"Alright guys! We have a monster to slay!" Lucy cheered while fist pumping the air and letting herself fly from the ground a few feet. The group of mages finally reached the jungle the lagoon was said to be in.
"The lagoon should be just up ahead..." Erza started to babble on and on about the location of the lagoon and even got into a fight with Laxus. But, of course, Lucy found something shiny that happened to be far away from the two s-class mages and went over there...why am I not surprised.

"The map clearly says the lagoon is over here!" Laxus pointed out.
"No! We obviously have to continue north then go east!" Erza snapped back.
"What do you think Lucy-" both the S-class mages started only to find the blonde to be missing.
"Of fucking course..." Laxus growls with a matter-of-fact tone. Erza and Laxus make eye contact then scream at the same time,

Lucy skipped through the forest merrily as she hummed an unknown tune. Her childish act was put to a stop as she saw a purple like fog roll slowly towards her.
"What the Hail Mary is that?" Lucy questioned then turned.
"Hey Lax-" Lucy noticed no one was there. The Mage literally deflated like a balloon.
"LAXUS! ERZA? WHERE ARE YOOooooouuuu-" She started to yell only to be forced to fall into a nightmare as the purple fog encases her body.

Erza and Laxus ran frantically as they tried to look for their fellow wizard.
"Where the hell is she?!" Laxus growled. He looked in a bush, "Lucy?"
Erza picked up a rock, "Lucy?!?!"
"How did we lose her from our sight?" Erza asked with a frown on her face. Erza kept rambling, not noticing the sound of splashing water behind her.
"Hey Erza," laxus says calmly.
"What?" The red head snapped.
"Not to scare you or anything but you should be concerned about what's behind you." Laxus says as he points with a poker face.
"I swear to Mavis Laxus if your playing a joke-"

Suddenly the S-class Mage felt a hot breath on her neck.

Erza stopped talking and her mad face became a surprised face with a creeped out look mixed into it.
She slowly turned around to see a gigantic blue sea dragon behind her.

-Authors Note-
OMG I'm so sorry for taking so long! D: and this chapter is so short! -.- I've been really busy lately with volleyball and school so I haven't been able to update! ;-; I so sorry Senpai! And 2.24k reads?!?! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZINGGGG! I promise to make an extra long chapter next time! ^.^ hey maybe leave dates for me to update! Don't recommend Mondays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays because I have volleyball and conditioning those days! I also have volleyball on Sunday but I have time before that! :3 so recommend a date in the comments! Baiiii!

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