Ex-Best Friend (continued)

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It's been so long since my last chapter, I've actually seen my ex-best friend twice in person since then. Good job, me. 

So she did respond, the next day. We talked a little bit. We immediately started talking about musicals. I told her to give Be More Chill a chance and she showed me Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812, which is pretty good. A mutual friend of ours and one of my closest friends invited us to his birthday get-together thing. I was excited to see my ex-best friend (from here on out to be known as EBF) and have it not be extremely awkward.  

I had expectations going into it. I was hoping to see that she had been doing well, that she managed to resolve some of the issues that messed her up and made her all mean and grumpy in the first place. I was disappointed. She was still the same in all the bad ways and it really broke my heart cause I had so much hope. She was still the same. She still loves to mess with people in such a way that borders on too mean and too direct. But she still gets super butthurt when you mess with her back or you don't give her attention. When we were fighting all those years ago, it was just as much, if not more, my fault than hers. But I'd like to think I've changed, I've gotten better. I've suppressed my toxicity enough to where I'm really the only person that has to deal with it. I think xD. But she clearly stayed the exact same. From what some friends tell me, she might have gotten worse. This is coming from people who call her a friend. I managed to just ignore her for the most part and that day was pretty fun.

A friend of mine is visiting from Miami. She's staying for two weeks. The first week just ended. That first day she got here she invited me and one other friend to her house to hang out. It was supposed to be a larger group, but it ended up being just us three. Today is Saturday morning (3:22 AM xD). Thursday we actually got the whole group together. Including EBF. This day was much better. She seemed to be in a better mood. We ate pizza, played Monopoly. She did get annoyed when some of the peoples hid her socks. But I'll justify that one, they hid them outside and it started raining, so I get it. She wasn't exactly super happy either. Just, positive. So that's where that's at. 

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