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"So, miss, I see that you want a boyfriend who is of little words, cool and mature."

A young staff dressed in all-white said, reading off the form Park Jiwoo had just filled. "You want him to be in the same class as you, dresses well and is romantic through his actions."

Jiwoo let out a grin. "Yep. Sounds perfect to me."

"Where do you want him to live?" His voice echoed off the brightly lit building.

"Excuse me?" Jiwoo raised an eyebrow. "I have to decide on his address too?"

"I mean, it's all part of your perfect boyfriend plan. Some people would prefer he lived nearby or next door so to increase your interaction, but that of course would require extra expenses to rent a room."

The girl scrunched up her nose. She was already paying a lot for this dream boyfriend service, did she really need to pay for his accommodation too?

Sure, money wasn't an issue for her. Her parents were successful international business owners, so that naturally made her family rich, but that meant her parents had to be away for work almost all the time. Good things always came with a price, don't they?

"He can live in my mansion." Jiwoo shrugged, thinking about all the empty rooms at her place. Her mansion stood four storeys tall with a spacious garden in front. It was a shame that only she lived there, except for the maids that came once a week to clean. It was kind of nice that someone would finally get to use one of rooms.

"That is great." The man scribbled something in the form. "And how long would you like to rent your boyfriend? There's a minimum requirement of a month, and you can extend your contract later on."

"I'll take a month, then."

"We will search our system for the boyfriend you just described, and he will be at your doorstop by tomorrow morning. Thank you for using our service, Boyfriend for Rent is happy to help you."


The next day, true to the man's words, Jiwoo's doorbell rang

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The next day, true to the man's words, Jiwoo's doorbell rang.

The problem was it was at the ungodly hour of 8am on a Sunday morning, so the girl was very cranky to have been woken up in the morning like that. She was supposed to sleep until 10 am, dammit!

She slammed the door open, revealing a shocked teenager with his mouth wide open.

"Um.. hi?" He said hesitantly, taking in her look of displeasure.

Jiwoo leaned against the door and took some time to look at her new 'boyfriend'. He was a tall, lean guy her age with broad shoulders, so she could tell that he did sports. His face was definitely handsome, with a defined jawline and (really) cute eyes. Not to mention, he looked great in a white dress shirt. Her mood was immediately lifted by such a perfect looking teenager at her doorstep.

"Hey," she grinned. "Please come in."

The boy brought his suitcase the size of a normal backpack with him, and Jiwoo couldn't help but think why he had such a small suitcase for a month of stay, but the girl chose not to say anything. Her 'boyfriend' looked what he wanted to faint when they came into the living room, revealing a wide area with a big flat screen on the wall, glass tables and a long, beautiful white couch. The ceiling was decorated with a chandelier, and the place screamed nothing but fancy.

"My name is Park Jiwoo." She introduced herself, helping him put his suitcase on the living room couch, ignoring his protests.

"My name is Kim Yohan." He said with a big smile, revealing his bunny teeth.

Jiwoo frowned. There was nothing wrong with a cute smile, really, but what she had expected when she had written the form was a boyfriend who was cool-looking and maybe a tad sexy. She wanted to see what it was like to be together with a mature guy, which was the reason why she decided to choose this service in the first place.

This guy looked cool, alright, but his personality didn't seem to fit what she wanted in her boyfriend for rent.

Yohan looked like he was about to panic at her frown and immediately changed the look in his eyes, so quick that even Jiwoo was surprised. He leaned closer to Jiwoo and smoothly put a finger under her chin, tilting her to look at his eyes. When he spoke, his voice held a sultry tone that would make girls from half the world away blush to their toes.

"And I'm going to be your boyfriend from now on, sweetheart."

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