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Exam week rolled around faster than Jiwoo would have expected. Despite the circumstances, the teachers deemed a week as an enough mourning period (something she didn't understand, especially since it was a direct family member), so Jiwoo had to force Yohan out of his room every morning for five days.

It was the part of the day she least looked forward to, and she would rather take fifty more exams than having to do something that would hurt Yohan, but rules were rules, and she wouldn't want an ugly zero to appear on her bright friend's report card.

On the good note, the said bright friend was doing better. Not well, but was definitely in a better condition than he was a week ago. Yohan was no longer replying in one worded answers, was eating more than just four bites a meal, and Jiwoo was sure she saw a hint of a smile on his face when she gave him a deformed strawberry cake she tried to bake to cheer him up. She was sure it tasted bad, but he still managed to finish it (and immediately downed five glasses of water right after, but Jiwoo pretended not to acknowledge it).

Yuvin and Jyunhao both took care of Yohan in their own way at school, rushing out of the classroom early to line up in the cafeteria to make sure Yohan had his favorite beef burger for lunch, or buying strawberry milk for Yohan from the vending machines every morning.

The four of them poured of hearts into the exams they all studied so hard for, and before they knew it, the five days had gone by.


"Have you heard back from your university yet?" Yuvin asked, stuffing his mouth with grilled beef. They were running out of time to hang out together. Graduation came closer every single day, and the group decided to get together after school to eat something Jiwoo had been craving for weeks: Korean barbecue, or in other words, heaven on earth.

"I got my acceptance letter two days ago." Jyunhao replied, helping himself to another piece of meat, the rest mumbling congrats into their bowl. "What about you guys?"

Yuvin gave a cheeky grin. "You're looking at a future engineer right here."

"Engineering student," Jiwoo corrected. "We don't know if you're gonna make it as an engineer or not."

She swiftly dodged the chopsticks Yuvin aimed at her head and continued eating.

"I got accepted into medicine," Yohan said, life finally returning to his voice and eyes. "With full scholarship."

Jiwoo smiled, knowing full well why he wanted to be a doctor in the first place, and feeling a sense of pride and respect that someone her age had managed to be one step closer to his dream. She pat his back in congratulations, before offering her answer.

"The university I'm going to for Management isn't very famous. Mom was mad as hell when she found out I couldn't get into Seoul university, but I'll probably end up managing one of their hospitals anyway, so I don't see the point of her complaining." Jiwoo said, waving the smoke away from her face, and her friends chuckled.

Silence fell upon the group as the realization sunk in.

In exactly a week and a half, they are going to graduate from high school.

In three months, they're heading off to different universities.

In ten years, they're going to be busy with their work and living their lives, and this exact moment of them eating together will be nothing but a fond memory.

They were growing up.

But they knew that they wouldn't grow apart. Because the bond they've made, whether it was from a long time ago or from the past three months, was stronger than everything they've known.

"To our friendship." Jiwoo said, raising her glass.

Yohan and Yuvin grinned, and Jyunhao gave a small smile, bringing their glasses to hers.

"To our friendship."

Author's Note:

Don't know if anyone is still reading this, but here's a super belated update.

Please stay safe and happy.


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