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Yuvin eyed Yohan wearily. "Why did your voice change?"

Yohan pretended to not know what the other boy was talking about. "No, it didn't. This is my normal voice." He said, his voice cracking near the end because of how low he forced his voice to be.

"Um..." Yuvin looked very cautious now. "I heard you speaking a while ago, and it's not the same."

"I think you misheard."

"I don't think so."


"Ladies, ladies," Jiwoo interrupted the two of them. "I'm hungry. Can we go have lunch and continue this conversation in the cafeteria?" Yohan looked like he was about to say something but she gave him a look. "Please?"

"I don't get it!" Yuvin threw his hands in the air, completely ignoring his best friend's plea, and Jiwoo let out an angry huff. "How could you trust this guy so easily? He could be a kidnapper!"

Jiwoo barked out a laugh, clearly amused by that idea. "Kidnapper? Please, this kid can't even harm a fly."

Yohan looked outright offended. "Excuse me? I practice taekwondo!"

Yuvin crossed his arms. "So do I, so if you even think about hurting my best friend, you're in deep trouble."

"Why would I hurt Jiwoo? She's my girlfriend." The boy said, a sly smirk on his face.

"You're her fake boyfriend." The other boy growled.

"Well, I'm still her boyfriend."

Jiwoo let out a deep sigh, tuning out the rest of the conversation. Actually, 'nonsense' would be a much proper term for the interaction the two boys were having.

She had no idea why the system chose Yohan as her boyfriend, but she also didn't want to return him to the company. The poor boy's feelings would be hurt, and she knew Yohan was a good guy. And good guys don't deserve to get hurt. The least she can do was wait a month before asking for a new guy.

She took a step forward and lightly smacked both of the boys' heads, ignoring the fact that she had to tiptoe to reach their height, and the two boys whined in mock pain.

"I. Am. Hungry."
By the end of the day, Yuvin somehow managed to become on civil terms with Yohan. The three of them walked back home together, before Yuvin realized something.

"Wait, why is he walking back with us?"

Jiwoo closed her eyes, trying to be patient. Just when she thought she could get through the day without them bickering.

"He lives in my house now."

"He WHAT?" Her best friend all but screeched and the other two winced at the volume.

"I stay in a separate room." Yohan said, in hopes that the statement will placate the boy.

Yuvin steered Jiwoo away from her 'boyfriend', putting his hands on her shoulders.

"Jiwoo," he whispered. "Didn't I warn you before about how guys our age are?"

"Stop being so perverted, dude." She hit his arm. "The company's gonna get sued if he does that."

The physical interaction as written in their contract was limited to under 18+. Not that Yohan would actually dare touch her though, Jiwoo thought briefly.

"Still! He's a guy!"

"You're a guy." Jiwoo retorted, raising her eyebrow at him. "I don't see you coming on to me."

Yuvin went beet red. "That's different! Um..." He went speechless for a while. "It's different because I'm your best friend!"

Jiwoo wiggled her eyebrows at him, watching as her best friend try to stutter out more reasons to stop Yohan from staying at her place.

"I-I'll sleep at your house, too!"

Jiwoo scrunched up her nose in absolute disgust. "No, dude, you're not."

"Yes, I wil-"

Jiwoo ignored her best friend, and before Yuvin could finish his sentence, the girl swiftly ran to an amused Yohan and quickly dragged him in the direction of her house, sprinting for their lives.

"Let's ditch the psycho." She whispered to him, turning back to see him giving her a bunny teeth smile and his eyes forming half-moons.

"Yeah, let's."

boyfriend for rent • kim yohanWhere stories live. Discover now