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"Ladies and gentlemen, the graduating class of 2020!"

Graduation caps are thrown carelessly into the sky, different cheers resounding across the school yard. Jiwoo burst into a fit of laughter as the corner of the cap landed on the middle of her head, the joy of graduating overpowering the (immense) pain.

A large hand patted her head, as if to soothe the throbbing feeling, and she looked up to see Yohan looking at her, his smile as big as hers.

"We finally graduated." Jiwoo said, a part of her still in disbelief that she had overcome another milestone in her life.

"Yeah..." He said. "Yeah, we did."

The next hour was spent hugging crying friends (read: Yuvin), making lunch plans for next week, laughing over the stupid but fond memories.

Yuvin was in the middle of recalling Jyunhao confessing to Jiwoo, which seemed like ages ago, when Yohan bent down to Jiwoo's ears.

"We need to talk." He whispered, his voice drowned out by the sound of Jyunhao groaning and his indignant 'that was a brief crush! It lasted, like, a week!'

Jiwoo shot Jyunhao a mischievous grin before following Yohan to a less crowded part of the yard.

"...I'm moving out."

Her eyes widened at his statement. Sure, she knew he would have to move out some day to attend university, and perhaps she had pushed this thought to the back of her head because revisiting it always brought a strange pang to her heart, so she had preferred to not think about it.

"When?" She whispered out.

"In two weeks. I don't want to trouble you anymore." Yohan said, a sad smile crossing his lips. "I found a nice, small apartment near my university where I can rent with the money I made with BFR."

He raised an eyebrow at the smaller girl in front of him, her hands balled into fists. "...Jiwoo?" He asked hesitantly, reaching out a hand to touch her shoulder.

"You... You think you're troubling me?" Jiwoo seethed, roughly brushing his arm away from her. At his clueless face, she gulped. "You have no idea... do you? Even after all this time?"

"No idea about what?" Yohan asked, his big eyes clouded with confusion.

"Oh my god, Yohan, you're so stupid!" Jiwoo let out, and immediately cringed because she sounded exactly like one of those tragic female protagonists in a romantic story.

She turned around and stormed off to where her other friends are, sniffling and holding back tears of both disappointment and annoyance.

Yohan could only watch her retreating back dejectedly.


After bidding bye to their classmates and promising to hang out every week (even Jiwoo knew that was impossible, but it was a promise that would make them feel better, so she let it slide), Jiwoo and Yohan walked back to their house, a tense atmosphere following their every footstep.

Okay, Jiwoo was sure she had overreacted, and she felt a little bit bad. Just a little bit.

She followed Yohan into her house, and locked the door. Just as she turned back, she felt a pair of soft lips on hers.


It was a fleeting kiss, and when Yohan pulled back, the both of them were a blushing mess.

"I-I'm sorry it took me so long to realize it." Yohan stuttered, the tips of his ears turning extremely red. Jiwoo didn't reply, and the boy immediately ducked his head. "That was a bad move, wasn't it? Did I read things wrong? I should've asked you fir-"

He was cut off by the very girl in front of him kissing him, effectively shutting him up.

"About time." Jiwoo grinned through her shyness. Yohan returned her smile, caging her in a bear hug, and it was so comfortable that Jiwoo never wanted to leave.

"You don't have to move out, you know?" Jiwoo said into his shirt, her voice muffled. "You're not troubling me. I love having you here with me, and I know that your university is closer to my house than that apartment you're talking about."

Yohan didn't reply her.

"I mean," she continued. "If you still want to move, it's your decision, but I just want you to know that you won't trouble me. You never will."

When he was still silent, she looked up to see that he was completely avoiding her eyes.

"You mean like, boyfriend and girlfriend living together?" Yohan asked, suddenly finding the clock on his left very interesting.

Jiwoo grinned. "Is this your way of asking me out? Because my answer is so a yes."

If possible, Yohan went redder than before. "Wait, no, I'll take you on a date and properly ask you out." He rested his chin on top of her head. "But it's nice to know that the answer will be a yes."

"Mm." She agreed, snuggling deeper into his chest, finding in the comfort of his heartbeat. Was it bad that she was really starting to like this hug?

"Can't believe I'm doing it for free now." Yohan sighed dramatically. "And to think I used to get paid to date you."

"Shut up, Yohan, you're ruining the moment."

The End

Author's Note

thank you for making it this far everyone 💕

I know i haven't been consistent when it comes to updating, so to know that there are still people who are reading this warms my heart

hope you guys enjoyed this story!


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