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There were many things, Adelaide always pondered, which could be considered a downside to who her parents were. Or at least one of them. Putting her hands over her mouth she didn't move from her position in the cupboard. There were men roaming the rooms, every so often a gunshot would go off. It didn't take much to figure out who there were, who they were tied in with and why they were here. It wasn't an every day experience for gang members to potter into a hospital and start shooting off rounds.

"Can't find her man, where's she at?"

"I don't know, do I?!" The gruffer sounding of the two males answered. "Boss doesn't know what room she's in, no inside information either on her." It was just as the man finished his sentence that her hospital room door got kicked in. Adelaide flinched and pressed her back up against the cupboard wall. There was nothing else in here, it was more of a little wardrobe than a cupboard, but that was beside the point. She was just grateful to have somewhere to hide. Through the slats in the doors she could see the two men walk around the room. "Well someone's definitely been in here."

"If it's her, she's legged it somewhere."

"Unless," the shorter of the two said while crouching down to look under the bed. "Nah."

"You thought she would be under the bed? Honestly? How many cliché horror films do you watch, Phil?"

The shorter man, now known as Phil pointed his shotgun up at his taller companion. "Cram it, Jones...Jones?" Adelaide's breath hitched, Phil's beady little eyes were aimed at the wardrobe space where she was.

Catching onto his friends words, Jones turned around. "Well, well, well," he chimed and walked over to the wardrobe. He reached out and knocked on the door, Adelaide was frozen.

"Come out, come out, come-" Phil repeated in a sing song tone and swiftly got stopped by a gloved hand going over his mouth. Phil muffled out sounds and kicked out. A kick landed on the lower back of Jones, he in turn glared and looked over at his friend.

"Oh shit! Not the bat!" Jones shouted and took to trying to shoot him.

Adelaide, in her dark hiding place, couldn't see anything. To her the room was empty, apart from the two men. Shadows clung to the walls, the moon flitted through the curtains and in a split second one of the shadows moved across the light. Her eyes widened, Adelaide actually found herself reaching out to the door and pushing it open just as Jones collapsed to the floor alongside his friend.

Adelaide stepped out shakily and looked up at the taller man. "They were sent to see how much you knew." Batman turned around, his cape billowed slightly from the action. "Then they were most likely going to kill you." He paused. "I'm sure you don't need me to tell you this information. You know what the gangs are like."

Adelaide shook her head slowly, her brown hair waving from side to side by the action. "I don't know anything though!" Her eye widened, "What is it I'm meant to know? I don't know anything which is worth killing me over!"

"Then the problem stems with your father."

"But he's dead! You know that though! You caught the man who caused the accident." Adelaide said blankly. Batman looked at her indifferently. "I saw it on the news." She added as an after thought.

"I meant," Batman paused and looked towards the corridors where shouts of police echoed. "That perhaps your father shared information with you. If that's the case there's plenty worth killing you over from the gangs perspective."

"My father never told me anything." Adelaide answered truthfully. "He didn't spend much time at home." She paused and watched as he made his way over to the window. Just as the police crashed through the doorway and trained their guns in their direction, Batman was already leaping through the open window. He soared away, the police lowered their weapons. Most of the officers seemed so grateful, it was clear none of them really wanted to shoot him.


"You know it means something when they're trying to kill you." Harvey said simply. Adelaide shot him a look before crossing her arms over her white dressing gown. "I'm only saying." He shrugged he was possibly joking about, he had had threats on his life and well, he lived from it all but clearly they happened for a reason.

"You are not exactly making me feel any better."

"I wasn't wholly sure I was here for reassurance. I'm here to listen to you."

"Your persistence amazes me."

"Thank you." Harvey smirked, that wasn't the first time he had heard something of a similar.

"Not sure if you should take that as a compliment, well, not all of it." Adelaide sighed and swung her legs on the bed. She stared down at her bare feet before uncrossing her arms and looking at him. "I grew up in the lower levels of this city, alongside my sister and parents. My parents are...were good people. I have to say this before anyone jumps to conclusions." Adelaide said while letting out a tense sigh. "My mother was kind, innocent even. She couldn't harm anyone. She cared for me and my sister deeply as a mother should. My father was missing most of my life when I was growing up. He wasn't in June's life much either." Adelaide looked up at the ceiling. "See this is why I'm so confused about what happened. If the gang knew my father was hardly home...why do what they did? There was no need for it!" She whispered and put her hands over her mouth to try and stop an oncoming sob.

"Because you're collateral damage." Harvey said as sympathetically sounding as possible. Adelaide looked at him confused. "Think of like this," He paused, lifting his hands in the air to help him explain his words. "It's not enough to take your life, but I'll take everyone you care about too." Harvey raised an eyebrow when Adelaide nodded slowly at him to continue. "It's gang logic. It's Maroni's logic."

"Do you think you can get to him, through the man who caused my accident?" Adelaide questioned narrowing her eye slightly.

Harvey let out a heavy sigh and shook his head. "It'll be a long shot."

"Percentage wise, what are we looking at?"

"Lower than 25%."

"Right. I'd give up if I were you." Adelaide said while jumping off of the bed and deciding to go walking around the room. She stopped near the window and looked out at the sunny city before her. It was strange for the city to have so much sun, for once. Usually Gotham was a haven for rubbish weather.

"Can't be done," Harvey said while walking over and standing by her side. Looking down at the short woman, he looked back to the city in front of him. "If someone doesn't try hard enough, nothing will happen."

"You are this someone who is trying hard enough, hm? What's going to happen? Or what do you think will happen?" Adelaide set her one visible brown eye up at him.

Harvey was silent for a few minutes before shrugging casually. "Not a clue, it'll be interesting to find out though, no?" He smiled.

"You're unbelievable."

"And you're avoiding talking about the matter at hand, again."

"Fine." Adelaide let out a dejected sigh. "I have absolutely no idea why the gang would want to kill my father, let alone my whole family." Adelaide shut her eye. "My father never spoke about work when he was at home." She said honestly. "Whatever the reason, I just don't know it. I can't be of any other help."

Harvey nodded processing her words. "You can still try identifying the men who came home with your father though. That'll be useful." Adelaide looked up at him and nodded slowly. "I'll sort that out."

"Shouldn't the police?"

"Adelaide, are you going to talk to the police?"


"Exactly." Harvey rolled his eyes and moved away from the window.

Adelaide turned on her heels and looked at him. "Where are you going?"

"I have work."

"Oh yes, bringing down the other crime lords of Gotham City. Good luck." Adelaide smiled and gave Harvey a wave as he rolled his eyes and exited the room.


(Edited: 21/Jan/2020)

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