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Hearing the door open, Harvey pried his attention away from the files and paperwork in front of him. Keys jangled and impacted against the little table which was in the hallway. Adelaide's form shifted past the living room and up the stairs. Perhaps she wasn't aware that he was even here? It did look like she was absorbed in some deep thinking. Standing up, he walked quietly and quickly up the stairs. By the time he reached Adelaide's door she was busy pulling her bag off from over her head, and unbuttoning her coat.

Knocking gently on the door caused her to jump. This just led to Harvey musing he was right. She didn't know he was in. "Hey," he said while Adelaide threw her coat to one side.


"You all right?"

"Mmhm, why?"

"You seem," Harvey paused to think. "Annoyed, and perhaps a little confused. Did something happen at the hospital?"

Adelaide sighed and sat on the bed. She looked at him. "Thomas Elliot is my consultant." She started, he frowned and walked into the room to sit beside her. "I'm healed."

"Well that's great." Harvey smiled. His smile dropped when Adelaide gave him a sidelong look. "Or not?"

"I could get vision in my eye. But," she sighed heavily. "But it'd involve, apparently, the removal of my eye and it then being replaced with something technology related." Pinching the bridge of her nose she collapsed backwards. "I don't want Thomas Elliot scooping my eye out and replacing it with a bionic eye! That's creepy and weird!"

Harvey turned and looked down at her. "But surely you only need to return to the hospital if you decide to go through with this, right?"


"So," Harvey smiled. "Just forget about it. Unless you decide to go through with it that is."

"I doubt I will." Adelaide pouted and crossed her arms. "Enough about me," opening her eyes she looked at him. "What about your day?"

"Well where do I start?"

Adelaide smiled and laughed quietly. "Its been one of those days, huh?"

"You have no idea."

"That means you'll be up all night working then."

"Most likely."

"I'm staying up too."


"I want to research into this eye reconstruction which Mr Elliot mentioned."


There were two cases which Harvey had been presented to deal with. Adelaide waved her hand at him. "You're catching onto my ways." He said while taking the coin from her hand. Adelaide smiled before looking back at the laptop screen. Like she said, she was going to stay up to research. Harvey wasn't complaining, it was good to have some sort of company. "Actually," he said while reaching down and holding onto her hand. Turning it so it was palm up he put the coin down. "You flip."

"I am not flipping a coin to come to a decision about something which doesn't involve me." Adelaide said while tucking her hair behind her ears.

"Please? Whichever comes up I keep contradicting."

"Tough. You're stuck and the contradicting things is happening because you are tired!" Adelaide said while giving him the coin back.

"Please?" Harvey nudged her shoulder gently.

Adelaide frowned and tried to continue reading the article she'd found. Plucking the coin from his hands she simply tossed it in the air. Looking at it when it landed tails up, she looked at Harvey. "Does this help?"

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