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Arkham Asylum was an interesting place. Harvey had noted how the routine was so easy to get into that he soon didn't know any differently. Sitting in a room, a dingy once painted white walled room, he looked up at the door when a woman came in. Penelope Young was an odd character. Pushy and determined. Not bad traits, just she didn't use them very wisely. "Good morning, Harvey."

"Morning." He answered promptly.

"How are you? The guards tell me you're being very quiet."

"Would you prefer me to talk nonstop and give you all earache?" He smirked and leaned back in his chair. "I thought you'd all have enough trouble with earache with Edward down the hall. Does that man ever shut up? His constant talking is incredibly annoying." He seethed. He didn't like Edward, he could hear him from his cell. It was annoying. Incredibly annoying. He really did want to shut him up.

Penelope smiled a very small smile at his words, which caused him to roll his eyes. Tell them what they want to hear, it was very easy to do. Being a model prisoner was also incredibly easy. "Shall we start?" She questioned, he was intending to answer. Watching as she pulled out a recorder and loaded a tape into it, he sighed. Normal routine, normal mundane routine. Cue the annoying, normal, mundane questions. Harvey flicked his eyes back over to Penelope when she finished talking into the microphone. Looking from side to side, he frowned. Was he meant to talk now? "You've been in Arkham for three weeks now, Harvey. I have to say the treatment and medication doesn't seem to be working. May I ask why you've stopped taking it?"

Leaning forward he smiled thinly. "It doesn't taste particularly very nice."

Penelope rolled her eyes. "Of course it won't. Most things which are good for you taste horrid."

"Or can kill you." Harvey mused darkly, Penelope looked at him worriedly. "Hm," smirking he sat back up straight. "I'll take what you just said and add onto it." He put his handcuffed wrists on the table and entwined his hands together. "Most things which are good for you, taste horrid. Most things which are good for you don't turn you catatonic." Harvey nodded. "That is why I've stopped. As for your treatment," he shrugged at this. "I have no comment." He mused while twirling his coin on the table and watching it.

"Really?" Penelope said indifferently. Harvey nodded and then shot up from his seat when Penelope had quickly plucked his coin away. Needless to say from his sudden movements, one of the guards which was in the room strode forward and pushed him back down to sit. "Do you have a comment now?"


"And it is?"

"You give us back our coin, and I won't break each of your fingers until you can't grip onto it any longer." He narrowed his eyes.

"We're finished here," Penelope said while standing up and nodding at the guards.

"Give us it!" Harvey screamed while getting pulled out of his chair and out of the room. "You bitch! Give us back our coin!" The door to his cell soon slammed shut, standing in the more chaotic side of his little room he looked around angrily. Lashing out at the wall caused calls to happen from down the hall. "Shut up, Nygma! Or so help us when we're out we'll rip out your tongue so you can't continue to give us all a headache!" Harvey shouted through the small bars which were on his door. After being shouted at, Edward was silent.

Peace and quiet entered the cell block again, Harvey let out a sigh and sat down on his bed, which was on the more tidy side of his room. Looking up at the wall he frowned. He looked to the door when a guard appeared. "You've got a visitor, Dent."

"Male or female? I know, it seems like an odd question to ask, but please answer."


"About this high, brown shoulder length hair?" Harvey said while standing up and holding a hand to his shoulder. The guard nodded slowly. "Tell her to go away, we don't want to see her." Harvey turned and shuffled over to the small window in his cell. Clasping his hands behind his back he looked up at the sky. It may have seemed like a cruel thing to do, but he honestly didn't want to see Adelaide. It was more, he didn't want her to see him. Least of all in these conditions and surroundings.

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