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"Good morning, Harvey, how are you this morning?"

"It's morning? It's good...is it? I don't know..."

Penelope crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair and looked at him. "How are the tarot cards, Harvey?"

"They're interesting, I think, I don't know." He debated with himself and flicked a card over and looked at the picture interestedly before picking up another. "We don't like them actually, they're confusing."

"Would you like to go back to using the dice?"

"No." He shot at her, "Not that."

"The guards tell me you've stopped trying to, for the better word, shut Edward up."

"The man's an annoying pest. All he does is sit in his cell, which is annoyingly too close to ours. He sits, he talks and he talks and he talks. He doesn't stop. We simply thought we'd try and silence him once."

"Then why did you stop trying?"

"I don't want to be subjected to all the different ways the people here devise punishments." Harvey said while putting the pack of tarot cards down on the table. "I'm not an idiot, despite the way you all talk to me like I am one. Patronising actually, you're all patronising. I know if I harm that little maggot, in no time you will snap and shove me in solitary."

"We don't patronise you, Harvey."

"You're doing it right now." He smiled and scattered the deck of cards over the table. "Take them back, I don't want them." He leaned forward. "Give us back our coin, and do it now."

"I don't abide to threats."

"Hm," he narrowed his eyes at her. "Fine. You will give it back to us though, one way or another. And when that moment happens, I won't resist to say I told you so."


Adelaide picked up the small pile of books she had near her and walked along the aisles. Working in a little book shop wasn't exactly the sort of job she could ever picture herself doing. But it was quaint, and enjoyable. There was a small coffee space attached to the building, after a while Adelaide noted how some people were always the same coming in. The regulars consisted mainly of middle aged to elderly. They were nice, some of them struck up a conversation with her when they were wandering around in the shop, trying to find a book they'd often ask for help. It was near closing, and it was already dark outside. Luckily Adelaide's new apartment, she'd swiftly moved away from anywhere she'd previously lived near, either with her family or with Harvey. It was cosy, just big enough for her really, but that was all she needed.

"Did you hear?" Looking up Adelaide shook her head at Carrie, who worked in the small café space. "The Joker's back in Arkham."


"I know right?!"


"Good." Carrie nodded and took her red apron off. "It's good. Now we can get around the city without fear of something exploding." Adelaide looked at her thoughtfully while putting a book on a shelf. "Oh well," the redhead shook her head slowly. "I'm done. Want to go out for a drink?"

"I'll pass, thank you." Adelaide smiled and waved when her colleague walked away from her and out of the door.

When Adelaide finally finished work and walked into her home she flicked the lights on and shuffled through to the sitting room. She practically collapsed on the sofa, curling up she switched the news on and watched utterly bored. Bolting upright at the mere mention of 'inmates breaking out', she put a hand over her heart. She could have sworn it just skipped a beat. Her mind couldn't think over all the people who were in that building who were now free. It didn't bear thinking about. Standing up and walking to the window she looked out. The people of the city were already panicking. Her apartment looked over some of the shopping buildings. There was a television store at the front which was showing the news. Needless to say the people who were watching all had their own little moments of shock, and fear. Backing away, Adelaide switched the television off. She didn't want to watch it anymore. Clapping her hands together she walked to the kitchen and set to making herself something to eat and drink.


Having sudden freedom caused Harvey to look confused. The door to his cell swung open. Pushing himself up from his bed he walked forward and looked out. All the inmates who shared his cell block were running down the hall. Stepping forward, he turned and walked simply, what was the point in rushing? It wasn't like there was an immediate way of getting off of the island. It didn't take a genius to figure out that the security would shut off the boat which transported them to and fro the mainland.

Fresh air greeted him and the others when they exited the building. There was already unconscious possibly dead bodies of security guards laying on the ground. What was the point of fighting back against the angry slightly tormented inmates? It was hopeless. Harvey made his way to the manor. Eyeing the building up he smiled simply and eyed up a guard who was aiming a gun at him. "Stay there."

"Fine by me." Harvey shrugged and watched as the guard walked forward. His aim didn't waver, one hand however reached behind his back and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. When he was close enough, Harvey pushed his arm away, the trigger got pulled by accident and a bullet fired off into the air. Twisting his hand, Harvey took the gun and aimed it at the man. "Back off," Harvey watched as the man did as he asked. Looking at him one last time he ran into the manor and looked up at the high ceiling. There were many rooms in this building. Harvey didn't have time to walk through them all.

Walking up to a board he ran his finger down a list of names and smiled when Penelope's popped up. Seeing the room number and what floor it was on, he turned and ran off. The room in question was silent, aiming a kick to the door Harvey smiled when there was a yelp from within. Looking around, it didn't take him long to spot Penelope clutching a file to her chest, and leaning against the back wall. "Well, well, well, you don't look so well, Doc." Harvey strode forward and pulled the gun up and took the safety off. Aiming it at her, he held a hand out. "Coin, now. I know you don't abide to threats. But perhaps you'll abide to being held at gunpoint? Being in a situation of near death really throws off your perspective." Harvey smiled and watched as the woman frantically rummaged through her desk drawers. Having the coin placed in his hand he smiled. It felt good and right to be back in his possession. Pulling the gun away he smiled. "Thanks, Doc."

"You're...you're not going to-"

"Flip? Well, I would. But I can already see what's going to happen to you. What would be the point of me intervening?"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, come on, everyone knows about your business with the Clown. We told you not to treat us like we're stupid." Harvey shrugged and backed off towards the door. "No one double crosses him, or even does business with him. Trust me, I've seen a few cases of people who had the pleasure of working with him. Not pretty, not in the slightest." Kicking the door open again he disappeared from the room.


(Edited: 22/Jan/2020)

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