Long Road

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A/N: New story! I love this couple and I needed some new inspiration. Thanks to MadelineCourtney I've been able to create a new story I think is gonna do really well! Let me know what you think!

Sandor looked back at winter fell once more as he started down the kings road, turning back and patting the horse he rode. He thinks the stable boy called him Arch, he was a fine enough horse but none could compare to his old mount, Stranger.

'Bloody happy to get out of this damn cold' Sandor thought to himself. Sandor turned, suddenly hearing a loud horse trot behind him.

"Oh for fucks sake, what the bloody hell are you doing here?" He said seeing Arya riding up on her mare.

"I have unfinished business in Kings Landing." Arya said, in a matter of fact way. "I thought if maybe you were headed in the same direction we could travel together. Like old times."

Sandor scoffed, "So you're gonna leave me for dead at the end again, and rob me blind?"

Arya smiled and cocked one eyebrow, "Depends on if you piss me off again or not."

Sandor shook his head and his a smirk, the girl really hasn't changed that much. "You haven't really changed as much as everyone says. At least I don't think so."

"Changed how?" Arya questioned.

"I don't know, everyone acts so surprised you took out the night king. I didn't really expect anything else." There's an awkward silence as Arya takes in what he said. Sandor speeds up his horse in an effort to diffuse the awkward tension.

He looks back to see Arya keeping up his pace and can't help but notice her bouncing boosum. Maybe she has changed in some ways.

He shakes his head and looks forward again, not really being able to take that picture out of his mind. He can't help but twist it into something more naughty in his mind. His thought run away before he notices the sun has already fallen quite a bit.

"Woah, Arch." Sandor slows his stead down, "we should stop to make camp soon."

"There's a good spot over there." Arya points to a decent open spot in a clearing of trees.

"Alright do you want to get food or firewood?" Sandor commands. Moving his horse to the clearing.

"I'll find something to eat, be back after a while." Arya says, and ties her mare to a half fallen tree, almost like a hitch post. Taking her bow and arrows off her saddle.

Sandor turned to start looking for sticks and logs he could gather to make a fire. He couldn't help but look over to spot Arya walking away, eyes roaming down. 'Dammit Clegane, knock it off!' He thought tearing his eyes off her and back to his task.
Sandor had the fire going and the tent set up by the time Arya got back.

"Nice rabbits." Clegane commented. Watching Arya walk up with three decent sized rabbits attached to her belt.

"Not bad," she said cutting the rope and throwing the rabbits into the snow next to the fire pit, "nice camp."

"I did what I could. I set up you're sleeping roll next to mine. Figured if were still in this damn cold we will need each other's body heat."

Arya said nothing, only nodded and sat down next to the fire on a log Sandor had drug over for a bench. Taking her gloves off and warming her hands.

Sandor watched her run her hands together, he wondered how many lives those hands had taken now.

"What are you thinking about?" Arya asked snapping Sandor out of his thoughts.

"None of you're fucking business. Why don't you get to work skinning those rabbits so we can eat." Sandor replied gruffly.

"Fine. You don't have to be so hateful." Arya stood to grab the rabbits and her knife.
As Arya skinned her kills, she admired her bow shot right through their eyes. Perfect clean kill. That's how it should be done, she looked over at Sandor patting his horse and feeding him an apple. 'He always acts so tough' Arya thought rolling her eyes, 'he's different. Even though he's acting tough right now. He's not the man I left to die.'

She chanced another look in his direction only to catch his gaze. She kept their eyes locked, remembering the same look he gave her the night before the Night King attacked.
Arya walked out of the dining hall, following Clegane. She had only spoke to him once since she saw he still lived. And Gendry has ruined it.

She waited till he sat down on the tower wall to approach. Hands folded behind her back she strolled forward, "How are you feeling about everything?"

"About likely dying tomorrow to a bunch of undead icy fuckers?" He moved his sword so she could sit next to him.

"Basically, yes." She sat down. "I'm surprised to find you here and not off with some wench."

He laughed "That's not what I want" he grumbled and took another long pull from his ale. He was clearly deep into his cups.

"What do you want?" She said, turning his face to look back at her. Slightly feeling his scars as she did.

"Nothing I can ever have." He said looking deep into her eyes, trying to convey his feelings into one look.

"You deserve a lot more than you think." She said leaning in, but not getting there before another interruption.
She broke the gaze first, wishing she could go back to that moment. She could've done so many things different from that point.

She shouldn't have left him because she was scared, not of him. But of what her feelings for him could bring. She shouldn't have started drinking more ale than she should've. She shouldn't have found Gendry.

She shook her head. That's the worst part of it all, she did love Gendry in a way. But not the way he needed, and not the way she needs to be loved. She wants someone who will tell her everything, who will see her as their equal, who will be able to handle her. Gendry wanted her to be a lady. They both knew that wasn't her, she's a fighter.

Sandor knows her, he knows her dark side better than most. And she understands him. He knows she can take care of herself and he doesn't try to coddle her. Sandor Clegane would be hers.

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