Do or Die

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A/N:Hi everyone! I hope you're liking the story so far! I'm really excited about it! I know it's easy to get caught up in the story but I'd really appreciate a like or comment from you guys to make sure you're liking it too! Anyway enjoy the chapter!

Sandor opened the door to Cersei's chamber, she was up staring outside her window, down on the commotion in the streets. Next to her on the left stood a giant in gold and black armor. Gregor. And on her right was a small man with grey hair and black robes.

The sound of the door drew all three of their attention away from the streets below and directly at Sandor. Cersei looked confused, then turned to let Gregor deal with it.

"Gregor?" Sandor paused to get a good look at the monster beneath that helm. "Aye that's you. You're even uglier than I am now." Sandor scoffed, walking forward pulling his long sword out of its sheath. "What did you do to him?" He asked and got no response. Oh well, not like it really mattered to him.

Before he knew it there swords were clashing, he's even stronger now than he was before. Sandor used all his strength in every swing and yet it seemed like Gregor didn't tire at all and met every swing with a counter. Sandor stepped back towards the doorway, realizing the little wolf hadn't shown herself quite yet. He turned and ran down a few steps to distract Gregor from looking around the entryway.

As he suspected Gregor followed without hesitation.

"Gregor! Stay with your queen!" Cersei suddenly spoke up. He turned looked at her, then kept walking towards Sandor. The man in the black robes, Sandor still wasn't sure who he was, followed fast and tried to grab Gregor.

"Your queen commanded you to stay." Gregor grabbed the man by the head and smashed it against the wall. With barely any effort at all, his head exploded against the concrete.

Sandor looked in disgust and horror, his brother was bad before. But now? He didn't have much time to deliberate his next moves as Gregors attention soon turned back to him. "Come on you ugly fucker" Sandor said as he plunged his long sword through Gregors chest plate, into his upper chest. It seemed like nothing had even happened to him. Sandor took a few more steps down the stairs. Gregor pulled the sword from his chest and threw it to the ground. Clattering down the stairs, right in front of Sandor.

He decided to chance grabbing his sword, he grabbed the handle and was straightening up when Gregor grabbed him by the neck and choked him against the wall. Sandor couldn't breath his grip was so strong, with his monster size hands easily wrapping around his throat.

Sandor was fighting with all his strength clawing at his face and hands, nothing seeming to work. Everything was going dark, his last thoughts about the little wolf. And hoping she at least would get out alive.
Arya stayed in the dark, watching as Sandor drew Gregor down the stairs. She heard the panic in her voice as she called for him to stay. He must be her only guard up here right now, Arya watched as Gregor smashed the mans head and continue after Sandor.

She decided now was her best chance to kill Cersei. Standing up and rounding the corner to her open chambers. "And who are you exactly?"Cersei questioned.

Arya huffed, "You don't remember me? I guess that was so many years ago." Arya walked a little closer. Hands behind her back.

"I'm the girl who's father you let get butchered in front of hundreds of people. I'm the girl who had to run away to the Nights Watch and pretend to be a boy, so your guards wouldn't kill me. I'm the girl who's mother and brother you commanded to get slaughtered. I'm also the girl who killed many men who stood in my way, or I thought deserved to die. I am Arya Stark and you are on my list." As she said each line she moved a step closer, eventually cornering her with needle drawn and against her throat.

"In the name of King Jon you are sentenced to die." She slowly stuck needle through Cersei's neck and upward, then abruptly pulled out. Cersei coughed up blood, grabbing her throat and falling to her knees. Suddenly Arya heard a loud crash come from the stairwell and was immediately worried about Sandor.

She looked down at Cersei, pleased with her work, and ran down the stairs to check on Sandor. She saw Sandor's eyes close from Gregor choking him and immediately panicked. A million thoughts went through her brain at once. But the two that stuck out most were, I can't let him die. And I have to save him.

Without thought she drew her valerian steel dagger from its sheath, jumped on the monsters back and held the knife to his throat. She had one hand on the handle and one hand on the dull side of the blade pulling back with all her strength. He tried to pull her off but the valerian steel was too sharp and cut too fast and too deep. Before he could get his hands on her she had cut almost a quarter of the way through his neck. Black, stinky blood coming from the wound.

Sandor coughed as he caught his breath back, dazed and coming back too. He could barely make out what was happening. The little wolf taking out his brother?

Gregor moved back as fast and as hard as he could slamming Arya against the concrete wall. She fell to the floor seemingly unconscious, Sandor knew this was it, he grabbed his sword that had fallen to the floor, and with one final hefty swing he cut his brothers head the rest of the way off.

Sandor immediately went to check on Arya, "Little wolf!" He yelled, and shook her body, nothing. "Arya, please don't die." He pulled her onto his lap, stroking her hair. He was crying into her chest. Begging her to wake up.

"What are you fussing about?" She said, barely with an eye open. Sandor didn't even know what to say. "I though you had died." Sandor spoke honestly.

"I didn't know me dying would give you so much grief." She said smirking, trying to sit up but gasping in pain. Her head hurt like a son of a bitch.

"Don't move!" He scolded. "I'll get us out." He said trying to think of a way to get out...he had the perfect idea.

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