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"Is there anyway you can use your abilities once more? I think I have a plan." Sandor said.

"Yes, but what are you thinking?" She questioned, sitting up using her elbow.

"I'm thinking I take Gregors chest plate and helm, and carry you out plain as day. Except you aren't going to be you..." he explained, raising his eyebrow asking her opinion.

"Oh my god! Great idea!" She exclaimed!

Sandor took Arya over to Cersei's dead body and let her do her face changing magic. He actually wasn't sure what to call it, magic seemed the closest to describe it. He went to grab Gregor, but was having a hell of a time getting the monstrous size man back up the stairwell.

"Oh for fucks sake!" Sandor exclaimed, dropping him again and kicking his body. "I'll leave you here then."

"You ready to go then little wolf? Someone's bound to come check on these two soon." He said walking over to her in his disguise.

"Aye I assume so." She said, it sounded so weird to see her look and sound like Cersei. He bent down and scooped her up.

"Let's go then. Keep your head by my shoulder."

He started down the stairs, and through the halls. Arya kept herself tucked in his arms feeling so safe in this moment.

"Hey! Mountain!" Sandor stopped in his tracks, and slowly turned. Hearing someone cal out from behind. He grunted in response, knowing his brother wasn't one for words. "What's happened? Where are you taking the Queen?"

Arya spoke up, "Someone made their way into my chambers. Ser Gregor handled it, but not before they had a chance to do some damage. He is taking me to the maester. Go on about your business, you obviously aren't doing a great job. Maybe I should take your head?"

The guard bowed, mumbled an apology and scurried along, no one wants to antagonize the "Queen".  "That was a close one, we'd do best to leave before anyone goes poking around up there." Sandor said moving along through the halls. "No argument here."

After a few more twists and turns Arya was good and lost. "Where are we going?"  She had never seen this part of the castle in all her time here.

"I've spent many nights drunk and bored wandering these halls. I know every way in and out of this fucking forsaken place." Arya nodded, she kept quiet as they went down a long dark hall and came up to a long stairwell down.

"Here." He set her down to catch his breath before moving on. "This stairwell leads all the way down to the cliffs on the outside wall." She nodded and sat against the wall.

"Can I take this off yet?" She asked annoyed. She didn't like the way she felt or sounded in this skin. The skin of a awful woman who did awful things to the people she loved. "Best not. We should be in the clear after we get down these stairs." Arya sighed.

"How is your head?" He asked concerned, brushing a stray hair out of her face. "Fine. I've had worse." She looked up at him barely noticing herself lean into his touch.

Sandor cleared his throat and stood. Offering his hand, "Shall we continue?" Arya didn't show her disappointment at his reluctance to get close to her. Not understanding it wasn't because of her, it was because of who she looked like in this moment.

"We shall" she grabbed his hand and got to her feet. She wobbled a little getting dizzy from standing up too fast. Gregor must've really knocked her against that wall. Sandor stabilized her, "You alright?"

"Mhmm, just stood up too fast. Let's go."

All the sudden they heard a loud horn and guards shuffling. "The Queen is dead! The Mountain is dead!" They heard everyone exclaiming. "I knew it wouldn't be too long. Come on we gotta go!" He whisper yelled.

Opening the door to the stairs and shutting it as quietly as he could. They rushed down the stairs, which seemed to take forever. It was the longest staircase she had ever seen. "There's something over here!" They heard from the top of the stairs. What did they forget? She didn't have much time to think about it before Sandor scooped her up and was going twice the speed as before.

They came barreling our a door into the bright sunlight, practically blinding them both. They were on the cliffside right under the red keep. A skinny stairway path leading up or down. "Which way?" Arya asked. Sandor looked back and forth. He took off going up. That's the best bet. Closest to the stables.

Almost at the top Sandor pauses, "Can you walk? I'm not sure what we'll be walking into here."

"Yes I'll be fine." Sandor set her on her feet. "But I don't see the point in wearing this anymore." She threw her mask on the ground.

"Keep your head down and follow me." They heard shuffling on the stairs below. Sandor started speed walking, keeping hold of Aryas hand as they shuffled into the chaos of the streets below the red keep. The stairway blended so well you'd never even know to look for it if you didn't know about it.

Charging on, trying to keep the guards at his back at Sandor notices the stables from far away. "I'm gonna try to get a look at what's going on by the stables. Stay right here." Sandor climbs the ladder leading up to a rooftop to try to get a better view above the heads in the crowd. And what he sees is not ideal, at least four guards on the outside of the stables alone. Sandor turned to his right, looking towards the exit, they were closing the gates! They'd be stuck in here, he had to think!

"Sandor!" He heard called from below, little wolf! He rushed down the ladder to be met with five swords pointed at them. "Oh fucking hell, I guess it's a good day to die!" And he raised his sword, moving Arya behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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