Stuck with U

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Febhyola Roseanne's Disc

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Febhyola Roseanne's Disc

Track 3: Stuck with U - Ariana Grande & Justin Bieber

"I lock the door and throw out the key

Can't fight this no more, it's just you and me

And there's nothin' I, nothin' I'd rather do

I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you

So, go ahead and drive me insane

Baby, run your mouth, I still wouldn't change

All this lovin' you, hatin' you, wantin' you

I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you."

March 30th, 2025



Tadi malam, sehabis lembur demi menyelesaikan pekerjaan di studio hingga pukul dua belas, gue lanjut pulling all-nighter ngerjain tugas kuliah. Untuk orang yang gak bisa bersentuhan dengan kafein seperti gue, that was definitely hard. Gue tanpa sadar tertidur di depan laptop. Ketika gue baru tidur selama 3 jam, gue harus terbangun akibat keributan dari dapur jam tujuh pagi. Mata gue bahkan terlalu berat sehingga susah dibuka. Pemandangan pertama yang gue lihat adalah pelaku dari keributan itu, mengenakan kaus putih dan boxer hitam andalannya.

Sometimes I hate being a light-sleeper.

Oh, to be specific, I hate being a light-sleeper who lives with a noisy person like Juneandra Hardinata.

Saat gue baru hendak berjalan ke kamar untuk melanjutkan tidur dengan benar, suara panci jatuh terdengar nyaring.


"Stop talking like you can cook well." Sahut June, berkacak pinggang sambil menunjuk gue dengan spatula.

"At least I'm better than you. Lo cuma bisa masak air sama mie doang." Gerutu gue.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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