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The feel of his hips rocking against hers was nearly enough to drive her crazy. Even with what felt like miles of clothing that separated them. She had agreed to the Consummation, willingly. There had been no hesitation, no regret, only longing. A need that seemed to ingrained in both of them, there was almost no telling if it was simply formed by the ritual of the Tasting, or if it was something that had formed the first moment Pennywise had set eyes on her. She was certainly not like anyone else he had encountered. She had such a strength of will, an instinct to survive but there was still a fragility to her and it made her all the more alluring. She was fascinated by the darker things in life and had showed no fear. Sure she could still be surprised and jump at the unexpected, but it was short lived. It was almost as if she had mastered the art of controlling her fears.

Now, she was like putty beneath his hands. Pliant and welcoming to his touch. He had removed both gloves, enabling his long fingers to dance across her flesh beneath her shirt as he bunched it up over her stomach. His lips skimmed her abdomen, the edges of his teeth causing her muscles to contract faintly beneath the attention. He watched her, peering through the valley of her breasts when her back arched against him. He marveled at how reactive she was to him. With his yellow gaze locked on her face, his tongue flicked out to taste her, licking a path of molten fire up from her navel and to the very edge of the black lace bra that was just beginning to peak out from beneath the shirt. He watched at she folded her lower lip beneath her teeth, scraping them along it's surface in a gesture that was purely erotic to him. Fire shot straight to his loins like a white hot lance of lightning. Pennywise growled lowly, tugging the material the rest of the way off of her torso.

He loomed over her like a shadow, a protective dark sentry. She felt safe, desired. Something that she had never felt with anyone else. Despite the darkness in him, she embraced it, enveloped it with her compassion and refused to let it go. Before he could close the gap between them, Amanda let her own fingers caress up his sides, nails faintly scratching over his ribs as she pushed his own shirt up. She marveled at the lean, pale expanse of his skin. At least in this form. It didn't matter what form he took. The Clown, the human, both appealed to her. She knew that neither of them was his true form. She had gathered that much simply by the scope of his presence, the feel of his power. He was far stronger than he had led others to believe. With a faint snarl, she tugged his shirt the rest of the way off of him, throwing it haphazardly over her shoulder.

"So eager." He purred, a smirk forming at the left corner of his lips.

"Eager to start but no where near eager to finish." She replied daringly, reaching up with her right hand, enabling her thumb to trace the curve of his lower lip.

"Oh? Well then, let us not keep you waiting, Preciousss."

His fingers delved into her hair and tugged lightly, maneuvering her exactly where he wanted her before he claimed her mouth with his own. There was nothing entirely gentle about the kiss. It was tongues and teeth, fire and passion. Her legs were still locked around his waist, almost refusing to allow him to move. Her own hands dance down along the length of his spine to grip at the backside she had been admiring so fondly earlier. She heard him chuckle, but she couldn't tell if it was out loud, or simple in her mind and at this point, she didn't care. She was very nearly beyond reason. He broke the kiss, trailing his mouth down along the front of her throat. His tongue flicked across the wound at her shoulder, tasting the seductiveness of her blood one last time before moving lower. His hands shifted down along her sides as he slithered further down along her body. His teeth caught the material of her bra and pulled. The thin lace ripped like tissue paper beneath the strength of his jaws and the millions of sharp teeth that had morphed at his command. Almost immediately, her nipples hardened when they were exposed to the chilly damp air.

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