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Theme Song: Marilyn Manson - If I Was Your Vampire

Greg screamed, a shrill high-pitched sound that seemed so out of place coming from a large man. It was the sound of sheer terror that echoed loudly off the walls. But despite him sounding like a woman, that scream was like music to Amanda's ears. Even as she dragged him by his ankle along the floor of the cistern that she and Pennywise had taken to calling home. It was strange how quickly she had become accustomed to living in the sewers of Derry. She had accepted this way of life with both arms and had embraced it with grace and dignity. He couldn't have been prouder, or more in love with her. He watched, following behind her with the paralyzed Ray thrown over his shoulder as Greg scrambled at the ground, attempting to claw for purchase anywhere within his reach. Unfortunately, she did not have the ability to render her prey paralyzed as he did but that mattered not. He would help her in any way she needed him to.

She was still in the form of the demoness, curvaceous red figure enveloped in a simple black dress that reached her ankles and tied in the front. There was a large v-shaped slit along the front of it that showcased both of her legs and stopped just short of revealing her tender bits. Not that he would have minded, but he did not like the thought of another man being privy to staring at her. Or worse. He had not liked the way Greg had watched her with the stark hunger a man gets when he desires a woman. He knew all too well because he watched her like that and as far as he was concerned, he was the only one allowed to.

Silently, Pennywise hoped that she would allow him to speak with Greg while she cleaned the blood off of her. His gaze traveled down to her hand work. Thin rivulets of fear tinged blood made a red path behind the human as he was dragged to the very center of the large room. Already two other bodies floated in the air, circling gracefully and slowly around the macabre tower of collected junk and now they would add two more. He knew she was drawing out the fear, savoring it. He was so very proud.

Amanda released her hold on Greg, but placed her foot down onto the center of his chest. Slowly the form of the Demoness faded away and she resumed her normal appearance. As much as he enjoyed watching her shift, he found himself missing her normal look. Releasing Ray, Pennywise watched for a moment as the large man slowly floated towards the ceiling to join the others. A heartbeat or two and he turned his yellow eyes back towards his wife, practically purring as he closed the distance between them.

"Don't be disappointed, Preciousss." He said softly, cupping her face in his large white gloved hands. "This is only one ability so far that you do not have access to. You have accomplished so much in such a short amount of time and have taken to hunting as if you have done this for years. Even if this is not ability you do not ever acquire, I do not mind."

He brushed his red tinged lips over her forehead before releasing his hold on her. He stopped down and picked the man up by the collar of his shirt. The sheer strength he showed seemed to spike the humans fear even further.

"Delicious." He crooned just before his mouth peeled open, revealing the Dead Lights deep within the center of his being. Greg's eyes clouded over, turning a milky white like all the others. The Clown slowly released his hold and urged the man's body up to float to the ceiling.

"This Cult." Amanda stated, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them. "They have been keeping track of you for centuries?"

He gave a soft sigh, settling his large frame to lean against a sturdy pile of debris. "Unfortunately, yes. Their main goal is my destruction. They thought to use you against me. Before your transformation, you blood was apparently the key to it. Some sort of Prophecy that they believed would eliminate me if they bound you to the Cult. I do not think it was ever possible."

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