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Kehlani - Gangsta


Lesson One: Probing of Minds

Amanda stood beside Pennywise in all his Clown glory. It was a slightly odd sight to see a petite woman of five foot one next to a nearly seven foot tall, sinister looking clown. What was even stranger was that they were holding hands. The fingertips intertwined. He had taken some of her clothes from her house as well as other essentials she might need. Like her laptop. She still had stories to write after all.

She had dressed herself in form hugging black leggings and a simple grey sweatshirt and running shoes. She had not decided if she was going to assume a particular image for hunting her prey. She supposed it would be easier to gain trust in order to break it down to rip out their fears. For now, she had to learn to seek out that fear in the minds of others. She had already proven a powerful telepathic ability by communicating with him so easily in his thoughts. If she could sense his emotions that quickly, the rest should certainly prove no challenge for her.

Are you ready? He inquired, tilting his head in her direction briefly. His yellow eyes roaming over her face with an expression that was both proud and loving before it darkened to that sinister look he got when hunting prey. Would he go back to feeding off of children or had his tastes changed? Something that he would have to find out and soon. They were both going to need all the strength and energy they could gather if this Cult was going to keep coming for them. He would not be able to protect her constantly as much as he might want to. He thought it best if he taught her all he knew so that she would be able to take care of herself. Briefly, his fingers tightened their hold on hers and he brought her hand up to his mouth, placing a chaste kiss against the back of her knuckles.

Yes. She replied within his thoughts, a bolt of desire tingling down her spine when his lips came in contact with her skin. She heard him breath in and growl. If they kept this up, there would be no lessons. With a snort, she shoved the large clown playfully away from her who gave an amused chuckle.

"Don't distract me, Pennywise. It wouldn't be very productive."

"Oh, it would be very productive, just not in what we came out here to accomplish." He replied with a grin. He took a hold of her hand once more and spun her in a graceful move that would have made the most accomplished of dancers jealous. He placed her in front of him, her back to his chest. His left gloved hand settled on her left hip while the other instinctively and lazily drifted over the mark on the inside of her right thigh that they both knew was just beneath the material of her leggings.

"Now, in order to probe one's mind, you must be open." He whispered against her left ear, lips just barely brushing over the lobe. He leaned forward, breathing in the scent of her that beat strong against the pulse of her neck. "You must clear your mind of all other thoughts, including your own. " His lips shifted down from her ear and over that throbbing pulse. "Close your eyes, Preciousss."

Amanda took a deep breath, hoping to calm her heart and her mind of the racing that his close proximity seemed to invoke in her. After a few moments, she barely felt the scalding brush of his lips, or the searing brand of his hands. She pushed aside any distraction, forcing any thoughts that she had stored, out of her head. That was when she felt it, the first tug of a mind that was most certainly not her own.

Why was I even elected to come to this shit hole of a town?

The question came in the form of a man. A dark figure that was currently making his way down the rain drenched streets, hunched in on himself against the cold pelts of rain. It didn't show any signs of letting up and had started sometime the day before. Would this be another flood like it had back in the fifties? He certainly hoped not. The Cult would have to keep their eye on the weather patterns here.

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