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Since the changes had taken place, it was almost as if the cold hardly phased her. For appearances; at least for now, she had to play the game. They both knew that. Surprisingly, Pennywise was proving patient as he sat on the closed lid of the toilet and waited for her to finish her shower.

And it was killing him that he couldn't join her!

Not that he couldn't, but time would be wasted...oh hell, time wouldn't be wasted. It would be very well spent, but that was not what they had come here for. They needed to be on their toes, ahead of the game. So far they were pushing these pawns directly where they wanted them and he wanted to keep it that way. However, since the Binding had been complete, he found that he couldn't keep his hands off of her. Every time he glanced at Amanda, he found something that seemed to nip at his craving for her. She had become his drug, his addiction. Dare he say that she had become his obsession? Perhaps, but he had never felt this way about anyone or anything. Ever. It was new to him and something he was beginning to embrace whole heartedly. He felt as though his feelings for her were not a weakness. They were a great strength, a pillar of support he had never had the opportunity to have.

As he watched the shadow of her behind the opaque curtain, he allowed the Clown to melt away. Lately he had become fascinated with her tattoos and had been experimenting with different forms. He favored the human one he had used with her on several occasions and chose to stick with the structure of it. What he had decided to do, was add stark black tattoos that covered the entirety of his right arm, all the way down his fingers. Rich black ink decorated his pale skin. There were even a few that decorated his face. One above his left eye with it's off kilter appearance, another directly at the corner of it. There was even a design at his right temple. The costume of the clown faded as well, replaced by a crisp, black suit. The mousy brown hair was slicked back away from his face. On the middle finger of his right hand was a large steel ring depicted a clown's face, the same face of his more infamous guise. On the pinky of his left hand was a smaller version, one had planned on giving to her shortly.

Pennywise felt his attention shift from his current train of thought back to the shower with the sudden silence. She had turned off the water and was ringing the excess of it out of her hair. She pulled the curtain back and glance his way, stopping in mid motion when she caught sight of his new appearance as he sat so casually on the toilet lid.

He gave a sinister grin and a deep inhale as he noticed the spike in her arousal. Perhaps he would keep this form after all. He stood gracefully, still towering to the same height. He moved towards her, but there was a predatory motion in his steps, almost as if he was stalking her. He reached down and traced a finger tip over the Nordic dragon tattoo at the top of her left thigh.

"I felt a little left out in the tattoo department."

She snorted faintly. "Well you certainly aren't left out now."

"I noticed you seem to enjoy them better. Your arousal spiked considerably."

Arching a brow, Amanda tilted her head slightly to the right. "I am glad you decided to keep the rest of the structure. I rather enjoy it."

"Oh, I know how well you do, Preciousss." Yellow eyes gleamed from an expression that seemed pure evil. It shot another whip of desire down her spine and caused her to shiver visibly. He chuckled softly but reached out behind her to pluck the clean towel off of the curtain rod where she had hung it. He wrapped it around her shoulders, his large hands rubbing up and down her arms. The wound at her ribs was gone, but for appearances, they kept the bandage in place. She would be able to will the injury back with her mind should the need arise. For now she had to reserve that energy for what was to come. He lifted one of his hands, fingers touching her left cheek as he tangled them into the damp strands of her hair. He tilted her head back, his eyes searching hers for a moment before he claimed her mouth with his own. The kiss lasted longer than he had intended and he felt a growl rumble past his lips. Reluctantly, he pulled away, hissing a breath when her teeth scored his lower lip.

"You, my dear, are going to be in trouble when all this is done."

She smirked faintly, the right side of her mouth pulling upwards. "Promises, promises."

With a deeper growl, his fingers tangled in her hair at the back of her head and pulled her head back so she started up at him fully. His teeth nipped playfully an inch before they came in contact with her lips.

"Do not fucking play games with me, Preciousss. Or I will take you here even in front of them." He nuzzled his nose against her throat. "Apparently that doesn't seem to deter you as I had hoped it would." He grumbled, breathing in the musky scent of the flood of her desire that had grown at his words. "You are deviousss."

Amanda snaked her fingers into the open suit jacket. Her nails came in contact with the bare skin beneath his shirt as she slipped her hand beneath it. His muscles quivered deliciously at her touch. She was rewarded when he snarled and grabbed her wrist with his free hand. Suddenly, she felt her back pressed against something cold before she was lifted up and placed onto the edge of the sink. She nearly yelped at the coolness of it against her bare back side.

"You are playing with fire, Amanda. My control is not limitless." His lips brushed against her throat as he spoke, fingers now digging into her hips nearly hard enough to bruise.

"Perhaps I want you out of control, Pennywise." She whispered softly.

"Of that I have no doubt and you will get your wish, but we must focus, Preciousss. Though they are human and pose no threat between the two of us, they must be stopped."

"I know. But this Cult of Chud will keep coming if we do not get to the source of them. They will keep sending units here for us."

"For me. They do not know that we are bound yet. They think you are one of my victims and not of equal ability and power."

"If they come after you, they come after me."

He searched her eyes and found a fire rising in their changing depths. Their brown melted away, shifting to that tell-tale yellow hue he had begun to grow fond of seeing. She had no real idea just how much those words meant to him. He felt himself melt, his expression softening as his lips found hers in a rather chaste and tender kiss. She was so willing to share everything his existence consisted of. There were no questions of his motives. She accepted him lock, stock and barrel. It was almost humbling. He released his hold on her and helped her down off of the sink.

"Get dressed, love. We have work to do."

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