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Theme Song: Kuza - I am the Devil
I am the hate that fills your heart
I am the thoughts that scar your brain
All that these voices make me wanna do is go insane
I am the Devil
I am the Fallen
I am the Evil One
I am the Devil
I am the Fallen
I am the Evil One

Amanda cinched the drawstring of the sweats as tight as they would go, but they still hung loosely on her hips. The zip up hooded sweatshirt was nearly as bad, large enough through the shoulders that if it wasn't zipped up all the way, it would undoubtedly hang off her shoulders. Greg was not nearly as tall as Pennywise, but he was broad and built like a brick house. His arms thick and corded with muscle. Too much in her opinion. She carefully rolled the waist of the pants, ensuring that she wouldn't trip over the hem when she walked. She was an entire foot shorter and since her sneakers were soaked, she wasn't about to put them back on.

With a sigh, she ran her fingers through the damp curls of her hair and called it done. Since she had changed, it took less effort and even less product to keep those curls looking perfect. Then again, she was expending a very small amount of effort in keeping them that way. Pennywise had disappeared for the time being, ensuring that she lured these two jocks into a false sense of security before they toyed with them. They needed information about their sect of the Cult. She tossed her damp towel into the hamper in the corner of the bathroom and returned back downstairs where Ray and Greg waited.

Ray sat at the kitchen table, sipping from a plain white mug of black coffee. Greg was standing at the counter, pouring himself one into a mug depicting some kind of sports team and there were two empty ones beside his. Faintly, she arched a brow, but did not question why there was an extra one. She already knew. She felt the roiling heat of his presence even before he stepped into the room.

"It seems that you aren't the only one with bad luck tonight." Ray stated, setting his cup down onto the table with a very faint click. "This gentleman here was on his way home to his family when he got a flat tire and his car hit a tree. He walked about a mile or two in the downpour. We were the only people with our porch light still on so he took a chance for shelter until the rain passes." She watched him turn to the man in mention and she fought the expression on her face to remain neutral.

Pennywise was just taking a seat directly across from the one she had claimed. His tattooed human guise looking even more sinister compared to the near sunny dispositions of the other two men.

"I am sorry to hear about your car." She stated with a genuine tone of concern. "I hope you weren't hurt?"

"Thankfully not." He replied in a voice that was just slightly huskier than normal, there was a subtle accent that she couldn't quite...

"Your accent, is that Swedish?" She inquired, her head listing lazily to the right.

The left corner of his mouth quirked up in a smirk. "Good ears, Ms.?"

"Rowan" She offered a fake name, extending a hand in his direction. "Rowan Roman. Apparently my folks had a sense of humor."

He snickered softly, taking her much smaller hand in his. The cool metal of the clown faced ring touching her palm. "Bill Godfrey." That same spark jolted between the both of them every time they touched no matter how small or casual of a physical contact it was.

Greg set a black mug down in front of her.

"I wasn't sure how you take your coffee." He stated, placing out a small bowl of sugar and other assorted condiments. He set the other mug, this one red, down in front of "Bill".

She watched amused as Pennywise loaded his with enough sugar to hype an entire classroom of children while she simply opted for adding a small amount of cream to hers and nothing else.

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