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Kita took a few days to recover, but when she had regained consciousness, San had kicked Wooyoung out of the room. In a surprising twist, he took over caring for her and making sure she got healthy again. He only left her alone for a few hours if he had important business to tend to, sending in Jongho to sit with her.

The guard was silent as always, staring straight ahead and not moving until his king returned.

When she was finally able to venture out again, San would walk her around the palace, showing her what was going to be her new home. Part of him seemed excited about it, his eyes lighting up when he explained something about a new room or when showing her some of the craftsmanship that went into building the palace.

Even so, she couldn't bring herself to be excited, often forcing a smile. This place reminded her of everything she had lost.

He had started sleeping with her in the bed at night too, always holding her to him possessively. She kept waiting for him to snap again. There were a few times when she would speak to one of the servants or guards, smiling with them, when she would turn to see him watching her, a hungry look in his eyes.

She didn't dare ask about Wooyoung, even though her heart ached from not seeing him. She prayed he was ok.

One night, while they were lying in bed, she could tell San was restless. She tried to ignore it, but then he whispered, "What can I do to make you happy, Kita?" His arms tightened around her. She felt him placing his light kisses on her shoulders again, brushed the fabric of her shirt aside.

She did her best to ignore it. He wouldn't give her what she wanted to be happy.

"Kita?" She felt him shift so he could look at her, but kept her eyes closed. He growled a little when she didn't respond and just pulled her tighter to him.





San knew she was still awake. He was trying to make this work, but if she was going to ignore him she could continue to suffer. Why did he even care anyway? She was just here for his personal gain.

He stared at the back of her neck. If that was true, then why hadn't he slept with her again... He wanted to, desperately, but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to force her again. Part of him wanted her to want it.

It shocked him when he realized he hadn't had any fun with Wooyoung either. Not since the journey here. Ever since he had been with Kita, his mind hadn't gone anywhere else.

He squeezed her again. She was making him soft and he hated it. Tomorrow. It would happen tomorrow.





In the early hours of the morning, Jongho ran down the hall carrying a rolled up piece of parchment in his hand.

When he reached the king's room, he knocked several times. He knew the king hated to be disturbed, but this couldn't wait.

King San opened the door with a dark look on his face. Jongho immediately bowed and held up the parchment. The king took it from him and unrolled it, his mouth moving as he read the words, then he froze.

"Is... Is this true?"

"Yes, Sir. It was delivered by a hawk just moments ago..." Jongho said, glancing over the king's shoulder into his room.

"I'll tell her." The king said quietly. "Thank you, Jongho." He closed the door.

Jongho bit his lip and made his way to the far end of the palace where they kept the performer. The guards let him in without asking questions.

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