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The kingdom exploded with activity as soon as the king announced Princess Lakita's and Prince Wooyoung's engagement. People of all trades worked on decorations, food, clothing, gifts, practically anything and everything that was needed for the wedding.

It was so busy that Kita actually got to see very little of Wooyoung. They were both pulled to different meetings to plan different details for their big day.

But they always got to see each other at night, and that was the time they treasured most.

Invitations were sent out to all kingdoms across Terra, asking royal families and nobles to join them and celebrate the return of Yaren's royal bloodline.

There was one thing that bothered Kita, though. The fact that everyone would comment that she was getting married before her brother. He always shook it off and smiled, but she knew it hurt him more and more every time he did it.

So she decided to take matters into her own hands. One day during a break from planning, Kita went to visit her father.

"Ah, there's my baby girl. How are you doing today, Sweetheart?" He pulled her into a warm hug.

"I'm good, Father. I actually wanted to speak to you about something if you have time?"

"I always have time for you." He motioned for her to sit.

"Father... I want to ask you something, and it's not easy for me to say, but... I want you to change the marriage law." Kita kept her head high and didn't break eye contact with her father.

He tilted his head in confusion and ran a hand over his beard. "Change it? But why? There's no need to change it, Wooyoung is a royal."

"I don't want you to change it for me."

"I don't under..." He paused. His eyes wandered around the room as he pondered what she said. Then he sighed. "Seonghwa."

"Yes, Father. He's too worried about disappointing you, but I know planning my wedding has been hard for him." She lowered her voice a little and looked down at her hands. "I want my brother to be as happy as I am. It's only fair. Other kingdoms allow it, why can't we?"

The king was silent for a long moment. "You make a fair point, daughter. But I don't know if the people would go for it."

"If we set the example, I'm sure it will be fine. There might be some hesitation at first, but there are probably many people out there who hide their true selves from the world. I know. I've had feelings for Wooyoung for years, but we had to hide it because of our social status. I can't even begin to imagine how hard it is for Hwa to do so."

"So he's found someone?" The king asked quietly.

Kita nodded. "And it's twice as hard because he's not of royal status. Father, I truly believe that if we are happy, then the kingdom will prosper. You and Mother loved each other; I think... I think that's why I was blessed. I know the previous kings and queens, your parents included, didn't get that chance. Maybe that's why the blessing left the land. I don't know why it skipped, Hwa, maybe it just needed more time. The gods have their plan. But I think if the royal family can feel and show love to whomever they want, then that will reflect to the rest of the kingdom."

Her father let out a soft chuckle. "I think I've already lost any argument I would have against this. You truly are something, Daughter. Go find your brother and bring him here. I want to meet the man he has chosen as well."

Kita beamed and gave her father a hug before running out of the room. She knew her brother would be in the gardens, overseeing the decorations that could be put up a few days in advance.

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