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The next few days was spent cleaning up the damage from the war. All the troops were put to work filling in the trenches, mending the fields, and gathering any abandoned weapons and armor.

Kita did her best to tend to any of the other wounded from both sides of the war. Wooyoung and Jongho never left her side, worried that someone might retaliate or that the wizards might show up again.

But no one did.

Once San had caved, no one had any itch to keep fighting.

He had been given his own room in the palace, which he didn't leave. Maids brought meals to him and guards were posted outside the door.

Everyone was preoccupied with putting everything back together.

When she finally got a break, Kita made her way to her room and locked herself in the bathroom. Even with all the healing that was done, she had an empty feeling inside of her that she couldn't shake.

The kick from the wizard.

Standing in front of the full-length mirror, she stared at herself. She had bags under her eyes, and she looked thin. She hadn't been eating well. Her eyes drifted down to her stomach and she bit her lip to fight back tears as she placed her hands on it.





Wooyoung knocked on the bathroom door. He had seen the light coming from under it when he had come looking for Kita.

His heart dropped when he heard the quiet sobs coming from the other side of the door. He knocked again. "Kita? Kita, what's wrong?"

The lock clicked and she slowly opened the door. Her eyes were red and puffy and dried tears stained her cheeks. "I lost it..." Her voice was hollow, and she wouldn't meet his eyes.

"Lost what?" He immediately stepped forward and pulled her into his arms. He didn't like what she was saying, but he didn't know what to do about it.

"O-Our baby..." She started crying again, grabbing onto his shirt. "The w-wizard... When h-he kicked me. I f-felt it..." Her sobs got worse.

Wooyoung felt his mouth open as he tried to process what she was saying. She had lost... their baby... He shook his head slightly and looked down at the top of her head. Then he leaned over so he could carry her to the bed. They laid down together, he pulled her to his chest.

A baby... She had been pregnant...

He felt his own tears coming, but he did his best to stay strong for her. He had to.

Wooyoung let his hand rub small circles into her back, trying to soothe her, and placed soft kisses on the top of her head. He didn't speak. He was too afraid to say the wrong thing.

The loss hit them both greatly, especially because neither one of them knew about it. He'd been lying if he said he wasn't worried after they had had sex for the first time, but they got so caught up in everything that he completely forgot.

Eventually, Kita stopped crying, but they didn't move for many hours.

Not until a soft knock interrupted their thoughts.

Wooyoung shifted so he could look over his shoulder and saw Seonghwa pop his head in. "So this is where you're hiding. Din... Is everything ok?" His asked, his voice getting softer. He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I think... I think it's just been a long week." Wooyoung said softly, rubbing Kita's cheek lightly.

"Yes, it has." Seonghwa looked concerned but didn't push the subject. "But it's not over yet. We still need to decide what to do about King San..."

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