Chapter 1 The Best Day Ever!/Not

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   Author:" Hellooooooo everyone and welcome to Volume 2 of RWBY. And I hope you have a good day to day and a good summer, and there well a some back story on Team SPRO members down the line. Now let's get the reading started.
It was a sunny day in Vale and the old shop keeper is at his shop having up a sign that said "NEWLY RE-OPEN!" As he was fishing and coming down, he fall down by someone bumping into him.

???:"Heh, excuse me! Sorry!"

The old shopkeeper smiled when he look up to a young girl with green hair and red eyes.

Shopkeeper:"Mmm, heh heh."

Girl;"I'm not really from around here."

She the Helped the old shopkeeper get up to his feet.

Girl:"*holds up a peace of paper*Um, would you mind pointing me in the direction of the shop?"

Old shopkeeper:"*looks at peace of paper*Hm hm."

After the shopkeeper tell the girl where to go to find the shop, she the wave bye and walk forward as a Gary hair boy is leaning against the wall crossing his arms.

Boy:"*sees girl passing by*I knew you were lost."

Girl:"*walking up to him*Mercury! I will seriously pay you to shut up."

Mercury:"That's not your money."

Girl:"But it could be yours for five minutes of silence."

Mercury:"Mmm... No deal."

She then take a card and throws it on the ground and left Mercury as he follow behind.

Mercury:"Whatever. You want me.*chuckles*"

As he caught up with her he then talk again which ignored her.

Mercury:"Only one thing that will keep me quite if we find this Yuji guy."

Girl:"If it keeps you quit. I'm up for it."

Mercury:"So how much farther?"

Girl:"A few blocks."

Mercury:"Uhh, this place is so dull."

Girl:"I kinda like it. Tall buildings, diverse culture..."

Mercury:"... And rice dopey people who as re easy to pickpocket."

Girl:"*stop walking*that's every city."

Mercury:"Oh Emerald! Master thief! Please don't take my money! I barely have enough to get by!"

After Mercury seem like mocking attitude talk was done, Emerald growled at him and walk away as Mercury seems disappointed.

Mercury:"You're no fun today."

He kept walking with her as they continue to go to the shop. When they got to the store it was a book store and they were everywhere. Emerald and Mercury walked in as he stop at a book self and Emerald go up to the front desk and ring the bell to call the owner.

???:"Be right there."

Then a Couple seconds later a man came out with stacks of books comes throw the door.

Tukson:"Welcome to Tukson book store! Home to every book under the sun."

He then place the books done and look at them.

Tukson:"How may-- uh..."

He was speechless to see Emerald in front of him, he then had a smile on his face.

RWBY VOLUME 2: RUBY ROSE X (OC) YUJI ISHIMURAWhere stories live. Discover now