Chapter 26: You'll Make It Worse

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Jungkook's Pov:
"Get the bandages quick!" Sueng-Ah yelled out. I slowly walked backward with my ax trailing the ground. "Yoongi Hyung?" I mumbled, looking at my hands as I drop the ax. My hands were covered in blood as well as my ax and bottom part of my shirt. I look over to Yoongi to see him lying in a puddle of blood trying to hold on for dear life. "Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed, putting my hands to my mouth. I can't believe I did that. I can't believe I was willing to do such a thing but, he was in so much pain. He was so close to turning into a zombie and he was begging for it. I saw two people run past me as I continue to walk backward. I then see Seung holding Yoongi close to keep him awake. I see Seokjin with a first aid kit trying to locate bandages. I see Taehyung on his knees crying his eyes out. "What did I do?" I mumbled, my eyes widen as I felt mortified at myself. I did what I had to do but, I regret it so much. "Jungkook, love?" Someone questions and I look up to see Hoseok. I quickly pull him into a hug as my head on his shoulder. "It's okay, Kookie. It's okay." He reassures, gently hugging back. I begin to cry on his shoulder as I continue to see Yoongi being bandaged up and trying to keep his eyes open. I see Taehyung holding onto his hand, desperately hoping for him to stay awake. I cry realizing the pain I caused those two. I feel another set of arms go around me and Hoseok. "It's. Okay." Joonie spoke, softly. I stay silent as tears slowly fall down my face until I can no longer cry any longer.

-Time Skip To Night-

"Taehyungie?" Yoongi whispered, finally waking up. We all sighed in relief as soon as we heard that. Yoongi closed his eyes as soon as the bandages on his shoulder were put on. He was breathing but, it was a really hitched one. Seokjin worried for the worst but, tried to be positive. Seung worried that he would turn into a zombie but, never mentioned it only mumbled. "Hello, there my love, I am so glad you are awake," Taehyung spoke, leaving many kisses on Yoongi's face. "I was scared you left me all alone in this world." Taehyung admitted, putting his forehead on Yoongi's.

"No, no...I would never leave you here. But, I'm so tired." Yoongi replied, staring at all of us. "Oh uh, we'll leave so you guys can talk." Hoseok spoke and all of us left. I quickly made my way out as I sat behind a tree, putting my head against it. "Oh my gosh, I screwed this up so badly!" I groaned out, putting my hand at my head. I looked down as I remembered what happened and what I did earlier today.

Yoongi was just walking ahead and that zombie came out of nowhere. It was too late and he was bitten, he couldn't hear us and we still don't know why. Taehyung saw what happened and immediately went over to attack the zombie. I went to check on Yoongi and he begged me to cut his arm off so, that's what I did with my ax. I regret yet, feel numb about it. I regret putting Taehyung through that pain but, Yoongi wanted this to happen. For his arm to be cut off so, he wouldn't worry too much about turning into a zombie.

Yet, it kills me! "Jungkookie?" A voice asked and I got up from my spot. "Yes, Hobi Hyung?" I responded, getting out from my spot. "Are you okay?" He asked, putting his hands on my arms. "No, I regret hurting Taehyung and Yoongi. I don't want to know what will happen now! We already lost Namjoon and Jimin! We can't lose Yoongi! That's too many members." I exclaimed, tears forming in my eyes. "I know but, this isn't your fault, Jungkook. You keep saying that Yoongi begged to have his arm cut off so, he wouldn't turn into a zombie." Hoseok replied, gently rubbing my tears away.

"Whose fault is it then? The person begging or the person who just followed their wish?" Hoseok asked, sternly. I smiled slightly and pulled Hoseok in for a hug and small kiss. "Thank you for being there for me, Sunshine. I'll do the same for you too just as I'll protect and love you." I spoke as I looked directly at him. "No problem, sweetie. I'll love and defend you too!" Hoseok replied, holding onto my hand. We smile at one another as we get out of the spot I was in to go to our campsite.

As soon as I step my foot on the ground, I was shoved to the ground. "Jungkook!" Hoseok exclaimed as he was pushed away. I was punched in the face two times before I defended myself by covering myself with my arms. "Taehyung, stop! You'll hurt him!" Hoseok yelled, grabbing Taehyung. I sit up quickly as I kick at his knees to which he falls to the ground. Taehyung looks at me and continues to kick at me as he is being held by Hoseok. "YOU HURT MY YOONGI! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?" Taehyung exclaimed, tears rolling down his face.

"I WASN'T PLANNING FOR THIS TO HAPPEN! HE WANTED ME TO DO IT!" I yelled back, starting to punch him. "STOP LYING!" Taehyung exclaimed, finally released from Hoseok's grasp. "Ah! Seokjin help!" Hoseok yelled out as he tried to separate us. "Boys! That's enough!" Seokjin exclaimed from a distance. Suddenly, a lasso was tied around us and we saw Seung looking at us with a mean look. "So immature." She spoke, waiting for Seokjin to come over. I look at Taehyung with a glare as he glares back.

A silent tension was between us but, I didn't mind it.

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