Chapter 35: Memory Palace

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3rd Person Pov:
Namjoon opened his eyes to see black all around him. He looked down at himself to see he was wearing all white. A white long-sleeved shirt and white pants but, that wasn't the thing that surprised him. He looked human. He didn't have any injuries, blood, or any other deadly wounds on his body.
Namjoon looked around to see where he could be. Was he dead? Well, did he finally die a zombie? What was going on? He didn't understand anything as a million questions crossed his mind. "Hello? Anyone there?" He asked. His eyes widen at the clear and clean tone of voice he had. Namjoon's hands went to his throat as he realized how human-like he sounded and looked. "Hello!" He yelled out once again. No response was heard. Was he all alone? Where was he? "Maybe, I should walk forward until I get somewhere?" He mumbled, softly. He stared ahead but, nothing was in the distance. Nothing but, darkness. Namjoon carefully walked forward as he looked both ways. Even if he was alone, he couldn't be certain about it. Nothing was making sense at all. First, he was being explained about the past by Jungkook, Seokjin, Hoseok, and Seung. And now, he was stuck in some purgatory-like place. Even with all of that happening, he felt happy about one thing. He finally looked and sounded human. He no longer had injuries or blood loss that would make him look dead. He no longer sounded like he was born yesterday. He was human. It finally happened many years? What year was it even? Did the zombie apocalypse really make people lose track of time? Everything did happen so quickly, it would make sense. As Namjoon continued to think, a bright light flashed in front of him.

Once it cleared, his eyes widen at what he was seeing. It was Seokjin and him just cuddling while watching movies. "Kim Seokjin was your boyfriend after the older finally confessed to you. You both were so happy together. Finally in love with the people you wanted to be with." A voice explained. A smile appeared on Namjoon's face as he continued to look at the scene. He was on top of Seokjin as he put his hand through his hair. Their eyes were attached to the screen as they smiled and blushed. They looked so...happy.

Suddenly, the event changed to Yoongi and Namjoon hanging around a studio room. "Min Yoongi, a long-time friend of yours. Both of you liked to produce, write and just make music for your group. You had your ups and downs but, in the end, both of you cared for one another a lot. Even when you both started dated, you kept a protective eye on one another." The voice explained as he noticed the laughter and smiles. Yoongi seemed so at ease as he smiled. Namjoon looked so calm and relaxed with him. He missed him.

"Jung Hoseok, another long-time friend. You, Yoongi, and Hoseok were the rap line. You both appreciated one another a lot. The support, love, and care for one another were almost surreal." The voice explained as the event changed once again. But, it wasn't a dramatic change. Hoseok entered the room as Yoongi and Namjoon greeted him. They all smiled and laughed together. So carefree. So happy. Why can't Namjoon remember these at all? He wants to remember these memories badly. Namjoon slowly reached his hand out toward the males but, the event soon changed before he could do that.

"Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook, the maknae line. The three members you look over. Jimin was a good friend to you. You cared, loved, and supported him greatly. Taehyung was a hassle sometimes but, you loved his company regardless. Since Jungkook was the youngest, you cared about you and the others making good impressions for him. In conclusion, you loved the younger members like they were your sons." The voice explained as the event changed. Namjoon looked to see that they were in a different studio. A dance studio perhaps. He could see the three practice singing and dancing.

He could see himself clapping, smiling, and giving advice from time to time toward them. He noticed how they nodded slowly and took in the advice for improvement. They looked like they were having so much fun together. "Thank you for showing me this but, what were we?" Namjoon spoke. Suddenly, the lights turned off. He was left in complete darkness once again. "Wait, what's going on?" He asked, desperately. Even if he loved all of this, he wanted to know why he was here. After all, he was here for a reason, right? Namjoon looked in every direction as he panicked about the loneliness that crossed him.

"BTS. The boy group that you and the others were a part of. An impressive group from South Korea who made impacts on fans from every part of the world." The voice explained as the room was filled with video clips. Clips filled with performances that BTS had done. The tours they did. The songs they made. The memories they all created and cherished. Namjoon stood in awe as he tried to look at every single one of them. "But, how does all this amazing include me?" He asked, a bit saddened.

"Kim Namjoon, the leader of BTS. You loved the fans and your members a lot. You never wanted to let them down. But, it seems when the zombie virus started to spread, you were bitten by the CEO of your company. And well, everything that happened so far was the result of that." The voice explained, showing a small scene. Namjoon gasped softly as he saw himself being bitten by a zombie. He heard himself saying to the others to escape and Seokjin hesitated before running away. "Well, now, you know...good luck." The voice spoke and darkness surrounded Namjoon once again.

"Yeah, I'm Namjoon." He spoke as everything turned white once again.

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