S1 Ep4: Sooubway

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"Hehe, you're cute!" Says Alex. John chuckles sweetly in reply.

And then the back door swings wide open with a slight bang. A slightly frazzled employee with the name tag "Nathaniel" runs inside the store. "Oh, hi Nate!" Said Laurens.

"Nate?" Alex asked.

"A friend from high school, we've worked here since we were juniors. Anyways, new employees get the first shift with the sandwiches and registers, so he'll be in the back, and I'll be cleaning in the front." Laurens replied.

"Ok, love you babe" Alex said as he kissed John and they headed off in their separate ways.

●The coffee shop●

Annabeth was sitting down with the Schuler sisters, as everyone else had left.

"So, that Alexander kid is interesting, huh?" Asked Annabeth to the sisters.

"Yeah." Said Angelica.

"Yeah, I care for Laurens and all, but Alex's kinda charming, right?" Asks Eliza.

"I know right!" Exclaimed Anna, "Laurens is his boyfriend, right?"

"Yeah." Said Angelica.

"I doubt they're really gonna be able to keep their relationship for long, though." Peggy said.

"Huh?" Asked Annabeth.

"Laurens's dad is a homophobic bitch." Peggy replied.

"Oh." Annabeth said with a slight blush.

"Yeah, he's really the worst.." says Angelica.

"Yeah." Agreed Eliza.

Peggy mumbles so that the others can't hear, "Maybe John'll open his eyes and try dating a girl like me for once.."

●Back at the sooubway●

"Well, time to close up shop." Nate said to Alex and Laurens.

"Ok," Alex started, then asking John, "want me to take you to our dorm? I saw that you rode your bike to work."

"Oh, um, sure." Laurens said blushing. "Bye Nate." And they left to the car, John pushed his bike to Alex's grey colored van.

"So, you have a car already?" Laurens asked.

"Yeah, I needed to get around somehow and I had enough money to get this van, it's barely used and a good car, so." Alex replied.

"Cool, anyways, thanks." Laurens said as he put his bike in the car.

"It's no problem." Alex replied. "I love you, John."

John smiled and said, "I love you too, Alexander."

●At the dorms●

Alex whispered to John, "Okay, we're here really late so we should be quiet-"

"We really don't have to," John started, "The walls are really super thick, and no one else is even in our room so.."

They walked to their room, holding hands and flirting the entire time.

Once they stepped inside, Alex locked the door behind him quickly. "You said we're here alone, right?" Alex quickly pinned Laurens to the wall, smirking. "Then, there'll be no one to interfere with us doing this~"

John smiled back. He said, "I love you, Alexander."

"I love you too, John."

(AN: some serious nsfw shit coming up, if you don't like, go to the next part

P.s. all smutty parts will be completely removed from the tv show. Trying to keep it tv 14 so don't get your hopes up if that's a thing you would do, now on with the smut!

P.p.s. I'm. Sorry.)

John took off his own shirt, making out with Alex, both of them grinding on each other with their hands all over each other. This continued, them going up the stairs into their room, leaving their clothes all around the dorm, as they closed the door to their room.

When they got to their room, all that was left was their underwear, Alex moved forward and pinned John to the bed, Laurens giving out a seductive moan, "Daddy~~"

Alex blushed, that was his fucking only kink and only weak spot. "Oh, I'm sorry, should I not call you that..?" John asked, worried.

"N-no, I want you to call me that," Alex started, "i-i really love that..."

John smiled, "I love you,, daddy~~"

Alexander got harder and John could feel it as he let out another sexy moan. They started making out again, Alex taking off their underwear. After he did that he started running his fingers through John's hair.

John started, "Daddy, please~~"

"Please what?~" Alex asked, teasingly.

"P-please, f-fuck me!!!" John yelped out, blushing.

Alex, in one smooth and quick motion, got into the right position over John, quickly thrusting his dick into John's ass.

John and Alex moaned loudly in sync, John bucking his hips up, and Alex starting to thrust in and out faster.

John feels Alex move inside him, moaning out, "Aah, daddy~" as Alex goes faster, running his hands over John's thighs.

John looks deeply into Alex's eyes as he feels pleasure running through his body, Alex says in pleasure, "God, you're so sexy John~~"

John blushes lightly as he pants a bit as Alex gets into a rhythm getting harder and faster. John moans, "Mmn, daddy~~"as he feels his dick twitch, at which Alex rubs it, a sly smirk on his face. John tilts his head to the side as he arches his back, "Daddy, yes~~"

Alex continues to do it, while thrusting faster. John moans loudly as Alex hits his sweet spot, "Alex, yes, right there~~" Alex smiles and goes faster, panting a bit.

John tightens around Alex as he feels himself and Alex get closer, Alex lets out a sexy moan. After John hears that it sets him over the edge as he cums on his and Alex's chest. Alex also cums into John, pulling out and giving a satisfied moan.


"So, did I make you satisfied?~~" John asked while chuckling.

"Hell yes, did I do the same to you?~~" Alex asked and smiled cutely.

John smiles back at Alex and nods, "Very~" then leans over and kisses Alex lightly on the lips.

Alex kisses back, laying down next to John and cuddling him. John props himself up on his side, then lays his head on Alex's chest and says,  "By the way, you were my first.."

Alex blushes and says flirtingly, "I'm glad I got to do you before anyone else, Laurens. You're the best."

Laurens rolls his eyes and mumbles, "I love you Alex" as he starts to fall asleep.

"I love you too, John" Alex smiles as he fell asleep, John smiled in his sleep, and they fell asleep under the covers in each other's arms, so happy together.

●the next morning●

BANG. Laurens' room door slams open, Lafayette saying, without looking, "WAKE UP YOU GAYS" then looking at them as Laurens popped up blushing a fuck ton. "Well shit" Laf said.

"WHAT THE FUCK, LAFAYETTE" Laurens half screamed his voice cracking.

"I'm giving you five minutes to wake him up, be dressed, and get down stairs or I'm telling Hercules about this" Laf said.

"Ok, just fucking leave." John said blushing more.

Lafayette left, closing the door as Laurens woke up Alex. "Babe, wake up."

"Mmn, what is it?~" Alex asked his hair half covering his face messy as hell.

"We need to get dressed, Laf wants us downstairs in five minutes." John replied.

"Mhm, okay, love you sweetie." Alex said getting up.

"Mmm, I love you too,, Daddy~" John replied, also getting up.

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