CHAPTER 30 - Misunderstanding

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Midoriya's apartment,

Third Person's POV

"Tell me... Who is this little bastard that hurt you..." Hisashi snarled in pure madness as he remained hugging his one and only daughter who was crying profusely. "M-My former classmate..." Izuku managed out, tears kept streaming from her eyes down like waterfall.

"Where the hel-- Uhum, where is he, Izuku?" Hisashi cleared his throat when he almost blurted out cussed word, his black pupils fixated on Izuku. The ninth user of One For All broke apart from her father, still sobbing and sniffling. "H-He assaulted me... At the park..." Izuku sobbed out sorrowfully. Inko rubbed circle on her back to give her emotional support.

Inko turned to look at her husband worriedly. Hisashi had his limits now. He grabbed his jacket in a rough way and walked out of the apartment in dangerous paces. Izuku could feel his intimidating aura even though he didn't express it on his face.

"Izuku, why didn't you walk home with Hitoshi-kun?" Inko softly asked the curly haired-girl that resembled her father's. They both sat down on a red couch in the living room. "H-He has training t-today and I-I don't want to trouble him, Mom..." Izuku croaked out, leaning her head on the older woman's shoulder. Inko didn't reply and only proceeded to rubbed her daughter's back gently.

A few minutes passed and Hisashi hadn't came back yet. The two Midoriyas began to get worried. "M-Mom, where is Dad...?" Izuku asked Inko, fear in her voice. Her heartbeat increased as every second ticked fastly. "I don't know, sweetie... I hope he is alright." She answered also in worry.

A couple of more minutes passed and the door was finally opened, revealing Hisashi and a male purplette who looked like he was in deep despair. "Izuku, is this the boy who assaulted you?" He asked the crying greenette in 'nice' tone, veins popped out on the side of his head.

Izuku's emerald eyes widened big in extreme shock when she realized the boy was none other than her one and only boyfriend, Hitoshi Shinso! "H-Hitoshi?" She gasped, her eyet met his. He looked very frightened somehow which Izuku knew the reason. Her father must have done skmething unspeakable to him.

"So he is the culprit." Hisashi said, smiling creepily at the teenage boy. Dangerous, intimidating aura emitted from him really got Hitoshi scared now. "I will burn you to death brat..." He threatened, yanking the younger boy closer to him, slightly breathing fire to give him a warning. "No, Dad! Not him!" Izuku immediately rushed toward the two men and pulled Hitoshi away from him.

"Hitoshi is not the one who assaulted me!" Izuku denied her father's random statement, hugging Hitoshi protectively in her arms. The messy haired-boy's face burnt red when his face was buried in his girlfriend's chest.

"Then who the hel-- I mean, who in the world assaulted you just now?! He is the only teenage boy I found at the park so I dragged him here!" Hisashi yelled in pure anger, still managed to control his cussing urge though.

Hisashi was extremely triggered when he found Hitoshi at the park just now. He looked for the culprit in the entire neighbourhood but then found Hitoshi when he went back to the park. He would never ever forget the face of a boy who stole his daughter from him. Assuming that Hitoshi was the one who assaulted Izuku, he got infuriated. He immediately yanked his collar and dragged him home along with him.

"The culprit had darker purple hair! Hitoshi didn't assault me! He is my boyfriend!" Izuku exclaimed to defend Hitoshi as she hugged him tighter, causing the poor boy to suffocate in her chest.

Shinso's POV

I never expected... To be in this kind of situation when I went home...

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