CHAPTER 21 - Jealousy

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A few moments pass,
Midoriya's residence...

Third Person's POV

Everyone finally gathered in the living room, sitting at the dining table eating dinner together joyfully as if it was a big feast. "It had been awhile since dinner is so lively, right, Izu?" Inko exclaimed in happiness, looking at her green headed-daughter with a wide smile. Izuku smiled back and nodded her head.  "It had always been just the two of us so a dinner like this is truly a bless." Izuku chuckled merrily, making Hitoshi's skipped a beat, excited to hear his girlfriend's adorable laugh.

"Oh, then what about your husband, Inko-san?" Mihoko asked curiously after she took a few sips of the water. "Ah, my husband is on oustation in US but he told me he'll be back in another few weeks after his project is finished." Inko explained, smiling warmly when she recalled her conversation with Hisashi before. Izuku suddenly spitted out her drink, startling everyone.

"Izuku, you okay?" Hitoshi who sat next to her asked in worry. Izuku was coughing constantly since she was too shocked after hearing her mother's explaination. She turned to look at Hitoshi with an awkward smile. "I-I'm fine! I... Accidentally choked on my drink, that's all!" Izuku laughed sheepishly, scratching her brocolli head in awkwardness.

'This is bad... Dad is coming home in couple of weeks! I hope nothing bad happen to Hitoshi...' Izuku's internal voice whispered to her in worry. Everything went back to normal, everyone started eating again while having such a lively, long chitchat, especially Inko and Mihoko. Izuku and Hitoshi smiled in secret noticing that their mothers were getting along.

A few moments went flying like a wind and now the dinner was over. "So, Hitoshi. Let's go to your house. I can't wait to see it~ I hope you're not hiding any weird thing~" Mihoko giggled teasingly at her one and only son. Hitoshi's and Inko'sface burnt red since they knew the meaning behind her words but Izuku, the innocent cinnamon bun was totally clueless about it. "What weird thing are you hiding, Hitoshi?" Izuku asked innocently.

Hitoshi couldn't help but blushed harder at Izuku's cute, oblivious state. She looked so cute when she asked that question with such a confused expression.

"Ah~ I see that your daughter is the pure type, Inko-san." Mihoko chuckled, enjoying this adorable sight of the teen couple. "Well, yeah. She doesn't know about this kind of stuff a lot thanks to my husband who really takes good care of her. I'm so grateful Izuku isn't like other girls." Inko exclaimed, feeling relieved realizing that her single daughter was protected from those sinful things.

"But I don't think she is protected anymore. I mean, my son is with her~" Mihoko whispered teasingly again, a mischievous smirk appeared on her face. "S-Stop saying that! Hitoshi is a good boy so there's no way he will do something so..." Inko gasped in shock all of sudden. "My bad, my bad. I'm just joking around. Don't take it seriously." Mihoko tried to calm her down. She couldn't help but tease her since Inko's reactions were priceless.

(Now you guys know where Shinso's gets his mischievous trait? XD)

"Now, now. It's nighttme and you both have school tomorrow. Let's go home, Hitoshi." Mihoko called her son who was still talking to Izuku. Both greenette and violette turned to look at the fourty years old-woman.

"But Mom... I promised to sleep with Izu in my house today." Hitoshi smirked devilsihly as his arm slithered around Izuku's slender hips, making her jumped in embarrassment. Both mothers' jaws dropped to the floor. "W-Wait, when did I–" Hitoshi quieted her with placing his finger on her plump lips. "Come on, Izu. We talked about this just while we were having sweet time~ You promised to sleep with me again~" Hitoshi cooed into her ear flirtiously even though he didn't really mean it. He just wanted to tease his cute, innocent girl.

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